Thursday, December 28, 2017

Just a grandmother....

I know that many of you are grandmothers and some may even be great-grandmothers.  If so....I know you understand when I say that Grandmothers need to be huge prayer warriors for our grandchildren.

We have 6 grandchildren, and not a single one of them is like the other.   Do you know what this means?  It means that they all live different lives and they all have different needs as they journey through life.

Some days.....I may need to spend some extra time praying for the needs of a particular grandchild.   Some days.....I many need to spend EXTRA, EXTRA time praying for certain needs.   

I was thinking about all of this today and I seriously thought...."This is not really a blog topic!"   But....I re-thought this, and I realized that it is a very important topic for me to blog about!

Do you know that it is important to pray for even the smallest of things that our grandchildren might need?
Nothing is too small or too big for our Mighty God.

For years......I've been praying for each of them to find the spouse that God has selected for them.   Along with this....I pray for their wisdom and for them to seek God when looking for the right person.

Along with is just as important for us to Thank God and to give HIM praise for the things HE does for us.   It's important for us to Praise Him for 
who HE is!

One of my grands needed God's favor, I prayed.   God's favor was indeed, right smack dab in the middle of this need.   I just want to Thank Him and Praise Him right now for answered prayers.

I would encourage everyone to Pray, Pray and Pray for your children and grandchildren.  This world that we live in is so different from how things were when I was growing up.....These young people need our prayers!

~ Shug ~


  1. Yes they DO, Shug! And God hears them all, and also answers in his own way. Sometimes we wonder why he answers in a different way than we prayed. But, we cannot see the future like He can!!

  2. Yes,prayer is vital. God loves to hear from us and we need to talk to Him.

  3. Praise the Lord for answered prayer! You are absolutely right, Shug. More than ever! blessings and hugs ~ tanna

  4. Oh YES----pray for our kids and grands....We pray constantly --and hope that 2018 will be a good year.....

    Happy New Year.

  5. Right on, Shug! Prayer is very important and I pray for our one and only grandchild every day, esp. since he has moved clear across the country. Happy New Year!

  6. Hi Shug~

    Beautiful post! Our grandchildren do need our prayers, life is hard for them and we need to pray for them daily, if not hourly. Isn't it wonderful that they are so different from each other, all with their own little, or big, personalities. I have a huge age difference with mine - 3 years to 19 years and everything in between! Life just wouldn't be the same without them. And, I am fortunate that I live close to each one of them, what a blessing!

    Answered prayers are the best...but even unanswered prayers have their place. You are such a blessing to your grandchildren, and I know you are loved!

    Happy New Year, Shug!

    Hugs and Love,

  7. I'm sure that your Grandchildren appreciate your prayers.
    We all need them.

    Wishing you a peaceful new year!

    M : )


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