Wednesday, December 27, 2017

I suppose that I'm finally getting my wish for some Cold weather.....   It really is pretty chilly outside today!   You won't find me complaining about it though.  I love cold weather!

It's not cold enough for Snow.....but it is cold enough for me to wear socks instead of my flip flops!

I do hope that all my good friends out there, are staying warm....and HEALTHY~
I have several friends who are battling the Flu, and there are so many people around here that are fighting the upper respiratory crud.  Me for one!

I can feel some congestion in my bronchial tubes, and I have a slight cough.....Just hoping that some hefty doses of vitamin C and some hot tea will help me get rid of it before it turns in to an infection.  

borrowed photo...

Hot tea is really suppose to be good for this sort of thing. 

How many of you have already taken down you Christmas decorations?   I am raising my hand on this one!  Everything is down....and packed away!

I do have a good reason for taking it down so early this year.   We are having my Kitchen pantry re-done,
which meant that I had to get the thing completely emptied.   The guys will be here early Friday morning to do their magic on my pantry!   EXCITED???
I am more than excited.    I am actually having a full wall of shelves put in, just for can goods and such.   

I will be able to see each can or jar, without having to stack them double or triple.   Yay for this!!

I certainly did not want to have to deal with putting up Christmas decorations and having the pantry scattered the same time!

I'll post pictures as soon as it is completed...

In the mean time.....I hope you all enjoy a wonderful New Year Celebration.....



  1. It's COLD here as well, too cold for even me.My decorations are still up, much to my dismay.I put them up early and normally they come down on Dec.26.I am hosting a family gathering on Fridays thought I had better live the decorations up. But look out! First thing on Saturday,that will change.

  2. This is SO exciting! I really miss having a pantry. I am sorry you have been sick; we have been too. Your header is simply wonderful!!! A glistening winter.

  3. Decorations are still up here --but will come down on the 2nd.... Since Kelly has been with us --we took her to Gatlinburg for several days. Christmas was nice --but not a typical Christmas for us. SO---George and I are having 'our' Christmas on the 1st... We will celebrate both Christmas and New Years on the same day... I'll make our traditional Hoppin' John --and hopefully that will bring some better luck for our families in 2018...

    Traditionally we leave our Christmas decorations up until Epiphany (Jan 6) --but this year they'll come down earlier.. We are leaving soon after that for the beach (since we missed going there in Dec).... I want to get things put away and get the house cleaned before the beach trip.

    You will love your new pantry...

    Happy New Year.


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