Monday, October 2, 2017

How often do you get to have a day....all to do NOTHING?   Rare in my life!  However, today is one of those days!  

I'm sitting in a hotel room.....a room with a gorgeous view!

Not only is it a beautiful is so very relaxing!

I walked the grounds earlier today and even found me a comfy chair to sit in.....down by the river.   It was just me, the swans, and the sounds of nature!!  

I'm also getting to enjoy a few magazines.  I've found a lot of new ideas for decorating and several new recipes that I plan to cook for the family.

You's great to have time like this....ever once in a while.   There are all kinds of places around here to shop, but I really just wanted to relax.

I love having the opportunity to tag along with Sam when he's on a business trip.  

God is so Good and I am so thankful for this day.



  1. Hi Shug!

    So glad you got to just relax and enjoy nature. It seems like we live in such a crazy, hurry-up world, and sometimes you just need to take it easy. The view is beautiful! I hope you share whatever recipe you make out of the magazine... ;0)


  2. What a great day! We all need these moments! ENJOY!

  3. OH, this is a beautiful place!! It would sure be good to bring one's blood pressure down, too. I love these magazines. Perfect.

  4. Oh, a day like that sounds wonderful. I could certainly use a day like that.

  5. I know Sam is so happy for you to be with him when he is on business trips... Sorry we missed you when you were near here recently... When are you coming back?????

    Looks gorgeous... Where are you now? ENJOY yourself.



Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........