Saturday, August 12, 2017

I love August...... We have 3 Birthdays to celebrate during the month of August, mine being one of them!!

Third grandson (Carson) had his B'day on the 6th.....which we have already celebrated with a trip to Allen, Texas.   We ate at the Cheesecake Factory and the family played at TOP-GOLF!!  Carson turned 16 on Sunday and got those "Driver's License" on Monday.  

Woo hoo....another teen driver!!

Today is Tucker's Birthday....Grandson #2.   Of course, he had other plans for the day.   He and his girlfriend made a trip to Dallas to do some shopping.   Tomorrow we will celebrate with a Birthday Dinner!  He turned the big 19 today!!

My day is coming up next!!   August 24th to be exact!   Sam and I have been in Dallas all week and this afternoon we were driving home.   I told him what I wanted for my birthday and his reply was:  "it's not happening this birthday! I've already got your gift!"  

Now, I'm wondering what it can be!!  He is way ahead this year on his shopping!!  Woo Hoo I guess.    His gift is probably a lot awesome than the one I was asking for!   

Three Birthday's, Trista and Ty's Anniversary, Back to school shopping, a couple of small get-aways,  sure makes for a busy month.   

What does your August look like??



  1. Wow! A month of celebrations. How fun!

  2. Happy Birthday, Shug! You light up everyone's life! I love your header of the shy sunflower!

  3. Hi Snug!

    Sounds like a crazy month for you...Happy EARLY Birthday!! I hope you have a wonderful day! Happy birthday to all the rest of your family as well...hard to believe they grow up!!

    August is a busy month for me as well, a couple of birthdays for us...and...the Eclipse!! That's a biggie!!

    Have a great week!


  4. Your August sounds so much more exciting! Happy Birthday to you, Shug!!!! For us, it is just back to school!

  5. August is FULL of goodness for you, Shug! One of my brother's birthday is the 24th, too. I hope you have the best year yet!! CONTINUE the celebration! blessings ~ tanna

  6. Enjoy all your celebrating!

    Back to school is what August looks like to me.
    So far so good.

    M : )

  7. Happy Birthdays!! August is a busy month for you and yours. I hope you have a wonderful day and your present is a delightful surprise!
    Have a great weekend!

  8. Hi Shug~

    I know you are in Texas, just not sure where. I'm praying for Texas and for you, praying that you and your family are safe. Just know that I am thinking of you, and praying for comfort and safety.

    Gentle Hugs,


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........