Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Are we going to get rain?  This is the question that everyone is asking today.   Are we going to get any of the spin off rain from Tropical Storm Cindy?    This is a great question for me to ask weather grandson!

I really didn't make any big plans today, because I figured we would have rain all day.....   NONE, right now!!

So....guess what today is?   IRONING DAY!

That's right.....I still Iron!!   I actually iron quite a bit.  I do take a few things to the cleaners, but for the most part, I iron our clothes.

I really don't mind though.   Actually, it's kind of relaxing!!!  

Wow....what a bargain!!  $14.90 for both.    

Funny how the smallest of things can take you back to your childhood days.   I remember as a child,  my mother taking some of our clothes to be ironed.   There was a lady in town who ironed for a living.   I would often ride with mother to take the clothes there, or to go pick them up.   

I sure wish I could think of this lady's name.   I do remember the cost.....for a while, she charged 10 cents a piece for each item to be ironed.   Later, it went up to 15 cents!!    This is CHEAP!!

My mom would laundry the clothes and then take them to be ironed.   

I love this memory that I had today....   



  1. I dislike to iron, I will admit it! I take virtually nothing to the cleaners. Just every now and again does something go to the cleaners. I love to hang things on the clothes line and then iron them, so crisp!

  2. That was very cheap. At least by today's standards. I don't like ironing, but once I get started, it IS relaxing. I remember the old 7-UP bottle with the sprinkler top. Sprinkling the clothes, then rolling them up till they were to be ironed.

  3. Hi Shug!

    Funny you should talk about ironing . . . I just got done! I still iron, because there are just some things that don't look right if they are not starched and ironed! While I was ironing a pillow case (yes, I still iron them... :0|) I was thinking how my mother taught me to iron many years ago! She first taught me to iron hankies, then pillow cases. Finally, I graduated to creases in jeans and lastly, my fathers work shirts. He was a fireman and had to have all those creases in the right place! Thank you for taking me down memory lane as well! Just loved it!


  4. I use to do a lot of ironing, but now only what I absolutely have to.


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