Sunday, June 18, 2017

A big Happy Father's Day to all you guys out there!!

Is it still Summer?   We have been so Busy around here that I've barely had the time to look at a calendar.   I'm posting a few pictures of what our past few weeks have been like.   You all will have to excuse my laziness.  I didn't even put these pictures in any kind of particular order.    

Making Hot Sauce and Salsa......My recipe calls for lemons and limes.  The girls and I, canned for two days and I think the kids have already eaten 4 jars of hot sauce!!!!  YIKES!  looks like I need to do a lot more canning...

We made some with black beans and corn and the rest is just the normal hot sauce!!  Do you like sweet hot sauce or vinegar tasting hot sauce??   Our family likes the sweet stuff...

I love looking at all of the jars filled with good tasting greatness!

I think we filled 52 jars!!  Not near enough!!

These pictures are from the end of May.....   Sam and I attended a Scholarship luncheon with Tucker!  So, So, Proud of him!

This particular scholarship was awarded to him from the Kiwanis Club of Athens....   He also received The "Red Bird" scholarship from TVCC.   Way to go Tuck!!  

Pulled this picture from off of my phone.    Tucker and Trista, as the seniors walked the halls of the schools...   He is a distinguished Grad....The other side of his sign read something like, "Childhood Cancer Survivor."

Shipping cookies to Tyler and his classmates!   I sent them each a box filled with cookies, Pizza gift card and several other goodies....

Back to Tucker's graduation!!  I made him a "Wisdom Jar."  Each little one of these diploma looking rolls, was rolled with money inside.....and of course....A word of Wisdom for his future!! 
He had a great time reading all of the bits of Wisdom that his grandmother (Shug) gave him..

Cookies for Tucker's graduation Party.....

Decorations for his party.....The Theme...."Oh the Places you will go"

More decorations!!

Mylee's softball team made it to the "All Star" tournament!!

Mylee batting......and now her team will be going to "State" next weekend.    

Yes....we have been very busy around here.   

It's now time for some swimming......Yay!!



  1. The salsa looks tasty!
    You have been busy, oh my AND
    it isn't even summer yet.!

    Take care.

    M :)

  2. Oh my, your cookies!! You are professional baker and decorator!! They are amazing and gorgeous!!! And the Wisdom Jar is such a great is also so pretty. Tucker really deserves this scholarship!! I would never have the energy to do all this canning! Just reading about it makes me want a nap. It turned out so pretty. But the star of the picture for me is your KITCHEN!!! It is AWESOME!!! I love everything about it.

  3. You have been busy, but busy having fun. Making memories with your family is such a wonderful way to spend the time.

  4. Love that salsa, and I can see why it's disappearing rapidly! Haven't canned in a long time but I might have to now. You're a busy lady for sure!


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