Monday, November 21, 2016

The Village with Hope.....

I wake up each day and my mind is already hours ahead of the moment that really exist.   My thinking has exceeded the present hour of the day and has forwarded itself into the zone of busyness!

This is the norm for me and for many others who are engaged into this very busy world along beside me.   :(

Not all who surround us are geared to this type of living.   My sweet precious niece is one of them.  Tammy is one of God's forever children and she attends the day program at Breckenridge 
Village, which is a Faith Based Community for adults with mild to moderate intellectual and developmental disabilities.   

Each November, BVT prepares for their annual 
"Christmas in the Village"

At this event......the village has a bizarre where guest can purchase many of the handiwork's and art pieces that the residents have made.  They also have a lighting of the Village as well as games and entertainment.  

I attended this event on Saturday and it was truly a beautiful experience.

This is one of Tammy's paintings which was on display.

This painting was also made into Note Cards that turned out so cute!

This is another purchase that I made.....

HOPE.....this 4 letter word is  "Confident Expectation"
and this is exactly what this Village is all about!

Confident Expectation for a better life.....a life that is filled with love and compassion..... a safe haven..... and being able to experience a normal life with others who live this same kind of normal life as you.

This truly was a Blessing and I wanted to share it with each of you!
I am so very Thankful for Breckenridge and for the difference that this place has made in the life of my niece!

Blessings to each of you..


  1. This is such a pretty bird! Tammy can paint better than I can, that's for sure. And she does have a gift that God has given her, just like each of us. She is so pretty! I hope this Village prospers and does so well, especially at Christmas time...

  2. I think we would all benefit from slowing down some and enjoying each moment.

  3. Hi Shug!

    I have missed you! It seems like life just gets away from me, and blogging gets put on the back burner. But I have enjoyed catching up with you this morning!

    What a wonderful program! Your niece is beautiful, and so is her artwork! I have a granddaughter who is blind, and has many challenges; I pray that there will be an organization like this available, when she is older...what a blessing!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your sweet family!!



Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Green Day

  It is 12:45 AM.... and I am UP...👀 eyes are wide awake.   Is it really St. Patricks Day  🍀🍀 I'm sitting here wearing NO Green...