Sunday, September 25, 2016

more pics.

A few more pictures of trip to Plya Del Carmen....

Sam and I standing in front of one of the eating places at the resort....All kinds of food!

Sam coming in from snorkeling

Eating on the beach in Cozumel.....

All four of us with the parrots...

Small storm coming in while we were on the catamaran.

After the storm passed by....

Susie....playing with the dolphins..

My Poblano pepper meal...   Awesome!

Vicki and I.....not wanting to go home..

Our gorgeous view!!   

We all had a really great time on this trip.   Ready to go back!!



  1. What a gorgeous, gorgeous place. And you captured it beautifully. Love that picture of you with the birds! Also the first one of you and Sam.

  2. what a full of life and lovely pics,i am afraid of sea storms glad it passed smoothly ,dolphin is so cute and you guys are amazing ,enjoy

  3. I have SO enjoyed seeing your pictures on FB and now on your blog from that amazing trip. The four of you must have had a fantastic time.... BUT---why did you not swim with the dolphins, or maybe you did and just haven't shared a picture?????????

    Loved the pictures of your and Sam with parrots on you...


  4. What beautiful water, and I'd be hugging that post as well. So hard to leave.

  5. Such beautiful photos ♥

  6. Oh my, what a beautiful place to vacation. You look so cute and are having such a fun time. The water, the clouds, the food....Memories galore.

  7. Looks like you had a fabulous time. That pepper dish looked yummy and wow the view you had was awesome.

  8. You guys do have spice in your lives.
    Looks like a great trip.
    Even though you didn't want to leave, I bet you
    were glad to get home and see everyone.

    M : )


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Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...