Monday, May 23, 2016

So many things have happened around this place, since I last posted!  We have had Birthdays....As in a New Teenager around this place!   Trey turned 13 on May 14th....and he already looks like he is about 18. He stands about 5'9" and weighs a good 205 lbs!! 

This picture of Trey was taken a couple of years ago...He has sure changed a whole lot since then!  He is our grandson that likes to shy away from the camera!  Hard to get a picture of him!!

Tom (our SIL) just finished his "Free Throws for Souls" event....and what a great accomplishment!!  The Lord uses him in a mighty way.   Tom shot over 21,000 free throws in a twenty four hour period and he made close to 15,000 of those shots.  All money goes to "Gods Open Hands" and to "Project Transformation." This is a project that allows the youth and their leaders of two of our area churches, to go out and help build wheelchair ramps and other needs for the elderly.

I have had some work going on here at the house.  A new Tile floor put down in the extra bath...and oh my, it looks beautiful.  

I am so happy to get this done, and  tomorrow...I get to spend time putting that space back together...

Sam and I helped organize our 45th High School Class Reunion...It was held on May 14th...same day as Trey's birthday.  WOW WOOZA....lots of fun was had!

So nice to see old friends that we had not seen in a while. There were a couple of classmates that came, whom I have not seen since we graduated!!!  LOTS OF CHANGE!!!

I am so ready for school to be OUT!
Love it when my kiddos are out for the summer...

What has been happening in your part of the Country??



  1. Hi Beautiful, I know I have mentioned this before but your Grandson Trey's birthday is the same day as my youngest son, Jeff. Jeff turned 45 today!!!!! FORTY-FIVE? How can that be?????

    We had a great time at the beach --but it's nice to be home. Our weather this week is PERFECT.

    I know you will enjoy having all of the grands around during the summer.


  2. Hi Shug, I missed you! Your girls are so beautiful behind that rooster. It is truly a beautiful picture. You are so blessed with a beautiful family, both in looks and in heart.

  3. You are a busy lady for sure!!

    Congrats to your son-in-law!

    I just did a post on what I have been up to.
    Come on by.

    M : )


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........