Sunday, May 8, 2016

On this beautiful Mothers Day.... I am truly Blessed.  My family loves me and the good news is that it doesn't have to be Mothers Day for me to feel all of their Amazing Love!

I want to wish each of you a Happy Mothers Day!   I have had the opportunity (through each of your blogs) to meet your precious families.  God is so good...     What  is great is that we all are like a big family.  When one family needs prayer, we all pray..... We watch each other's kids grow and are able to see the changes in their growing up.   I've been blogging for a long while now and I have watched many of your children go from their Jr. High years, all the way through graduation.  This is so neat.

I do hope that each of you have enjoyed a wonderful day.



  1. A late Happy mother's Day to you. I have been busy all day.I agree,through the blog we get to know each other and our families.This is a great way to meet friends.

  2. Hope your day was special. Your granddaughter is just beautiful.

  3. Mother's day is very precious fr all mothers. As you said it is true to know about each other through blogging.

  4. Happy Mother's Day to you. Wishing you a beautiful day!

  5. I hope you had a great Mother's Day, Shug!

  6. Hi Shug!

    Happy.very.late.Mother's Day! I know that your day was wonderful! I feel the same way about my kids and grands; Mother's Day almost feels weird, because they always treat me with respect and love!


  7. Happy Friday!

    Keep the love flowing.

    M : )

  8. What a wonderful picture! Your family sure is beautiful.

  9. Sounds like you've been busy (but a good busy). Ah the Teen years start...we have a couple more to go before our granddaughter turns 13 but I think it's already starting early!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........