Friday, May 27, 2016

Once again....I am so ready for school to be OUT.  Ready for the Summer to begin and for all the kids to be home running around with me.   

The only drawback is that in just 34 more days..{July 4th}..Tyler will be leaving for bootcamp!  :(

My greatest joy...some of my greatest strengths come from my family.


Memorial Day has a deeper meaning for me this year.  

With this being said....Memorial Day takes on a whole new meaning for me.  Please do not get me wrong......I have always had the utmost respect for our Military men and women.  I am extremely thankful for the Freedom's that we have and I do not take it lightly that this freedom comes with a cost.  

Many, have given their lives in order for us to be free!!  I have always acknowledged Memorial Day as a day to Memorialize the fallen, to Honor each of them....but I honestly have not ever felt the way that I do this year.   

Our family has never celebrated Memorial day with cookouts, swimming, spending time at the lake, or doing a lot of activities.  Sam has always worked on Memorial day and I suppose, for that reason....we have never done these things.  

My flags are always out and I love seeing Old Glory, as it sways in the wind.  A beautiful sight indeed!!  

Such a great day of remembrance for all those who have given their lives for our freedom...  

In all honesty....I must say that I'm a wee bit emotional this day. I am so PROUD that Tyler has made the decision to serve our Country, but on days like this...I can't help but think of the reality that comes in knowing that along with serving, he could and probably will face many dangers! 

Faith and Trust!!!  Faith and Trust!! 

Blessings to each of you on this Special Day. God Bless America!!



  1. You have a wonderful family,but they also have a super Mom and Grandma.Enjoy your time with each of them.

  2. Happy Memorial Day to you and your family... Let's never ever forget those who did so much for our freedoms.


  3. Happy Memorial Day to you and your family! Great to come by visiting your blog for the first time via Ginny's blog. You have a lovely and beautiful family there... God Bless!

  4. Prayers and blessings for your family.
    Tyler's choice is a tough one but you
    and your family will be there to guide,
    pray and be there for him as he moves
    forward in this journey of his life.

    M : )


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........