Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Measuring Up...

Measuring Up......

Something we do around this place!  As a matter of fact, I have one wall, outside on our back porch, where I "measure up" on a regular basis!!

I know....from your view, this looks like a total mess.  It's really not!  This is only a small portion of all the measurements that we have taken for the past 20 years!

It all started out on a 4 ft. board and has now expanded to this side wall.   

The four boys and Tori have all passed me up in height.  But...I still have a couple of years before MJ catches up to me.

What about measuring up in our everyday life?  Who is it that we have to measure up against?  

So often, we compare ourselves to those that we believe are smarter than us...prettier than us....more successful than we are, and perhaps more Godly than we believe ourselves to be.

We allow this thing called "Measuring Up" to Rock our world!!  Our attitude can drastically change when we allow ourselves to place marks on the measuring board that fall below where we "think" we should be.    

Lack of confidence, insecurities, guilt, and negativity can shorten the yard stick by which we are measuring. 

What can we do?  First of all....understand that God loves you!  

Psalm: 139:14      

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

 Don't allow yourself to settle for less.   Find your strengths and work hard to build these strengths.  

Be committed to pursuing the Good Works that God has given you.  Step out strong each day....following in the footsteps that HE has ordered for you.   Confirm in your mind the Promises that God has given you..... 

When we focus on God's promises....we are able to clearly see that God has bigger plans for us....   we no longer need a measuring stick!!!!



  1. I love reading all about your life and your kids/grands. Seems as if they ALL are growing up MUCH too fast... I'm so glad you have such an awesome relationship with all of them.

    Love your "Measuring Stick"... We used to have something similar with our 3 boys when they were young.... Talk about growing up TOO fast.... Mercy!

    God Bless You. Let's all keep on trying to "measure up".


  2. Hi Shug!

    I love this post!! I love your wall, and I can totally see how much everyone has grown!

    Love the thoughts on, "measuring up". We all need to realize that we are beloved daughters of God, He loves us, and knows us better than we know ourselves. I try so hard to not judge myself (and it's hard, I'm my own worst enemy), I know that it's one of trials. I love your last sentence - 'When we focus on God's promises....we are able to clearly see that God has bigger plans for us.... we no longer need a measuring stick!!!!' Such good advise!!

    Have a wonderful Mother's Day!!

    Hugs and Love,

  3. Great thoughts.

    We had a wall like that at home too.

    Hope you had a terrific Mother's Day!

    M : )


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Shower and Travels

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