Monday, May 2, 2016

Full Weekend...

Good Morning....Glories!

It was a GOOD, but BUSY weekend around here.   Not only did we have STORMS, but it was also "Prom" weekend for one of our High School grands, and "Formal" night for one of our Jr. High grands. 

                                                                     Tori.....8th grade Formal

Tucker and Carley......2016 Prom

Fun times for all these young people.   


How often do you find yourself saying: "What if?"

I find myself asking this "What if" question.....much more often than I should.   My sweet hubby says that it comes from and underlying fear that I have of life not being perfect or just the way "I" think it should be.   

It's TRUE!!!

I know that it is......I have a fear of something bad happening or a fear of things not turning out the way I think is BEST.

In my 49 years of living....{oops..there it is again...the #49}
I can honestly say that I have experienced a few situations that could easily merit the privilege of having fear.   {??}

Fear of losing another loved one....
Fear of the unknown....
Fear of never being healed.....
Fear of losing a grandchild to leukemia...
etc, etc, etc........

These things passed, but  deep fear can sometimes resurface and it leaves me feeling afraid.

Just last evening, I was having a "Text" conversation with one of my very Best Friends.....We were in a deep conversation about a certain situation and I kept saying....

"What if??????"

At this point, I even felt the need to cry! {Because crying relieves stress}

But.....Praise God that I have a Lord and Savior who loves me beyond measure!!!

The words just came to me....

"What if......I give all of my fears to the Lord, and TRUST HIM?" really is that easy!!!  God is waiting for us to give him all of our burdens....HE is longing for us to Trust HIM!!

"Peace, Peace, Wonderful Peace!!"

Will I have more "what if's?"  Probably so....
but I am extremely thankful that I know the Lord and HE
can and will......shelter me from any fear that may try to come my way...

hugs to all my friends....  


  1. If I did not have the Lord,I just don't know how or if I could go on living.He is the one solid Rock on which I stand.The Prom and Grad young ones look lovely.

  2. The book Calm my Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow changed my life many years ago when her explanations of the What If's, the If Only's and the Why's. Your husband is a wise man. If we can conquer those is so much sweeter.

    Aren't Proms so fun, and the kids look so adorable.

  3. Fear controls and cripples us. I thank the Lord because I know fear is not from Him. I place my trust in the Lord.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...