Thursday, April 28, 2016


Humor is the Spice of life.....

Wouldn't it be great, if  like other spices, we each had a "Humor" spice bottle in our pantry?  

Dash a little here and a little there to flavor each day with as much humor as you prefer to enjoy.

My humor bottle was opened yesterday.  Mylee and I went into to town, to visit my dad at the nursing home.....and to run some other errands.  We had many laughs while visiting dad!!  Not only from him, but from several of the other residents as well.   

My name was Jessie....!!  Dad kept calling me Jessie throughout our visit.   There was another resident that danced the entire time we were there.  It was great to see the big smile on his face as he danced around the big living area. guy who loves caps, was wearing 4 different caps on his head.  They were all stacked up on top of each other!!

After leaving the nursing home, Mylee and I stopped in at "Ulta" to pick up a few items.   When we finished our shopping, we came out to get in the car.   I pushed the unlock button on my keys and I noticed the sound was a little faint sounding.  

I tried to open the door....but it remained locked.  This happened a few more times, as Mylee and I both were desperately trying to get in the car.   I had just about decided that I was going to have to call Sam to come help us, when Mylee asked the question...."Sugar, is this your car?"

I looked in the window to find a "Yeti" cup in the cupholder with the initials......fCl        What? WHAT?.....this wasn't even my car!!!!!   You have got to be kidding me?!   It looked exactly like my car!!  But listen to this.   I have personalized license plates that say "Shug6"

I never looked at the license plates.....why would I need to?
This car looked like my car!   Oh my...Mylee and I laughed for quite a while.   She said: "Sugar...I have to tell my mom about this!"   Sure....just another thing to convince my daughters that I'm getting older!!!!

Anyways ~ humor is great for our souls.   

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones"    Proverbs 17:22



  1. They say the "humor" is the best medicine.
    Great stories!

    I am sure Mylee had a great time telling her Mom her story.

    M : )

  2. Oh my! I can just hear the two of you laughing about the car incident.

  3. HaHaHa....I'm laughing because I have done the exact same thing!!!
    Yes, humor is the spice of life. Thanks for the chuckle.


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Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...