Sunday, October 11, 2015

Why Don't you enjoy it with me?

I realize that today......there is something Magnificent out there....It's Crystalizing, Making it's appearance, Materializing, 

Just For Me!

What is it?  What could it be?

Is it just my "Living in the Moment" and realizing that I can be determined, No matter what the world is saying, to make this a Great Day?

Perhaps it's the presence of Wonder, and the miracles that are here on this earth, that I see.

Whatever it is, I am certainly enjoying the enthusiasm that this day holds....

Why don't you enjoy it with me?  

Life is Beautiful!!

Shug ~


  1. Life is beautiful when your healthy it seems. When one is not so well it becomes harder .

  2. Yes,life is beautiful,even when we are thrown some curve balls. Hope you had a sweet day,I know I did.

  3. Life is indeed beautiful. Hope that in difficult times, we can still choose to see the beautiful side and not be overwhelmed by the ugly side of life.

  4. Oh! wasn't it gorgeous today? I had a wonderful day. We stayed home and did some work on our little camper... I sure hope we get to camp in it soon! Even if we have to pull it to the back of the pasture and just try it out for a night!
    That would be fun. seeing our property from a different angle... that would be a wonder to admire our home we've been blessed to have all these years, from back behind the barn! LOL... that makes me giddy just thinking about it.
    have a great week Shug!
    blessings to you!

  5. Lovely post. - Living in the moment is the best way to live.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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