Monday, October 5, 2015

Focus on the Positive.....

I'm loving this view that I have today......  I'm looking out over a lot of the happenings at College Station, Texas!  You know, the home of the AGGIES!!  Whoop!

Positive things happen here!!   And....speaking of Positive, a few months ago....I came across a sign that read:

          Stay away from negative people......They have a PROBLEM for every situation!!

I loved it!!  The sign!!...

My goodness....How TRUE this is.

It seems that ever since I read the words on that sign....I have encountered SO MANY conversations where I wanted to just start begging folks to somehow find a way to say at least ONE thing positive.   

Negative words are like Velcro....They stick around!!

I live in this world too.....and I know that there are things happening (daily) that don't look good.  I know that it's hard to paint a happy picture when we read about so much heartache...

But.....God gives us a reason to be joyful.   God is my Lord and Savior and I count it all joy to serve Him!

Positive Thinking speaks Life into my soul...


  1. True,true,true.Being positive is so much more uplifting than all the negativity.

  2. I always love hearing your thoughts ---and you are SO right... We do need to focus on the positive things in our lives. So much of the time, we do NOT. The media and all of social media around us thrives on negativity... I read another blog yesterday from an older lady who had her portrait taken professionally. Anyhow--the photographer enhanced her looks a little --taking out the wrinkles, etc. ---and when she published the photo, someone actually had the audacity to WRITE and complain about the enhanced look... Isn't that sad? People will WRITE things they will NEVER say.... We are definitely in a negative world... God Help us ALL.


  3. Thanks for being so positive! Your are right on spot!

  4. My son in law is an Aggie grad and he and my daughter and grandson attend every home game at College Station. I've never been there. Thanks for the positive encouragement today, Shug!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...