Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Dad Update

......... This is a (Dad) update!  As most of you know, my dad is in a {lock-down} Alzheimer's facility and has been for almost a year now.  Locked down, to protect him!

                                   Tori, Tucker, Dad and Trista

He has been doing amazingly well these past few weeks and has really seemed more like himself, with a few trying to convince me that he won a car, or like not knowing what that black box that talks and has people in!!  (His TV)

Last week, I took him outside to sit on the porch for a little while.  There were several birds flying around and as one flew past us, he said to me....."That wasn't a quail"  "Quail don't fly like that.  They make a fast fluttering sound when they fly!"  Oh yes, I have heard many a Quail stories!! about that!!  When my dad was younger, he loved to go quail hunting.  It was his "Big" sport!  Amazing,  how he remembers simple things he loved as a young man.  He remembers hunting trips, fishing trips, riding his horse to town and back, and surprisingly.....he can name all 14 of his brothers and sisters!  Yep...BIG FAMILY!

We sat there a little longer and then he patted me on the arm and said:  "You see that fence?  I could climb over that thing and catch me a ride to Chandler!"   REALLY, was my reply!

The fence is about 10 feet tall and for someone that shuffles their feet when they walk, I would think that this would be quite a challenge!!!  lol.  Not for him, in his slowly deteriorating mind.

A few weeks ago, I decorated his room for the Fall season and I bought an orange bedspread to go on his bed.    He has been so excited about it and he loves to tell everyone that he has a new blanket on his bed.   Only thing is.......he tells everyone that some man came in his room and just gave it to him!!  lol at this too!!

I'm thankful for the joy that I have each day,  as I sit in his room and listen to the things that his mind comes up with.   

Yes....we have had numerous NEW cars and trucks....We have traveled to California and back at least a dozen times....we have built so many barns that I can't even count them.....we've even been to heaven to visit with my mom!!!    All of these things have been real in his mind and I've enjoyed being able to tag along each day.  

It's a joyous ride and I look forward to many more adventures with my dad!!

Shug ~


  1. Hi Shug~

    This is a post that is very close to my heart. My own sweet mom is in a "lock-down" facility herself, and you are so right, it's for their own protection.

    Your father looks like a very sweet man, and I can tell that his grandchildren adore him!

    I love all the new cars and trips he takes, I think he must have had a fun life, and a good, vivid imagination. They really do glean from their life experiences when they talk about things like that.

    My mother's latest tales, are that she does public speaking at colleges around the area, and that she always meets wonderful men there, and they ALWAYS want to marry her . . . very sweet . . . she misses my father.

    Won't life be boring and sad when they are gone? But, won't they be so happy to see all of those loved ones again, all 14 of them for your sweet dad?! And, I'm sure your mom is waiting with open arms . . . gentle hugs to you sweet friend.


  2. Such a positive twist to your Dad's
    Great stories!

    M : )

  3. Memories come flooding back to me when I read this.Oh the things my Dad and I lived through during his mental deterioration! I went hunting with him and witnessed birds flying around in his room. Why argue,when these things seemed so real to him. Cherish those memory making times,Shug, I know you do.

  4. This is a sweet story of you loving your dad during this trying time. You are such a good daughter!

  5. You are a good daughter, and a blessing to your father at this time in his life. I don't have any experience with Alzheimer's, but if it happens to either of my parents, I hope I can be as kind and gentle as you have been with your dad.


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