Saturday, September 19, 2015

Bon Voyage

Tomorrow morning is "Bon Voyage" for this chic!!  I am super stoked about this trip!!

This is our first cruise!  Our first cruise with 5 of the Best friends you could ever ask for!  First snorkeling, first swimming with the Stingrays......First for many fun things.

I'm pretty sure that for many of you....this would be considered "Old stuff"'ve probably already done all these things!!

And, on your FIRST too, were probably just as excited as I am.   

I've had my suitcase packed since Wednesday.......

So, I get to the football game last night and one of our dear friends who has been on numerous cruises told me......."To come home and take out half of what I packed, and that that would probably still be too many items to take"

I could hardly sleep last night for wanting to get this, this morning, I get up and completely unpack my suitcase!! repack every item that I took out!!!  I know you all are laughing at me right now......BUT the truth is:  I NEED EVERYTHING IN THAT BAG!!!!! (Bags)  Plus my pillow and my FAN!

Here is the deal.......For Sam and I......I have 4 suitcases Packed FULL.   Two big bags and two smaller ones.    My stuff is packed in 3 of the bags and Sam's is all crammed into one of the smaller bags!!!!!!   Too much stuff is better than not enough.

Thankful that I have a good house sitter to keep things going here at home.    He will be taking care of my dog Bella.....(was gonna be $20.00 a day to have her boarded) YIKES!    And...he will be able to keep all of my hundred plants watered!!

The charge????? ........  A nice, COOL, place for our College grandson to study....and to hang out!  Also.....a refrigerator stocked with food and drinks!!   Pretty nice, I would say!!

No post from me for the next week!

See ya when I get back!!

Bon Voyage.....



  1. Oh wow! Have a wonderful time. I have never been on a cruise and would be equally as excited as you are.

  2. Oh my goodness! This trip sounds so exciting, and no I've never been..but I can always wish!! smile... Enjoy and bless your grandson!!


  3. Dear Friend, Have a wonderful cruise... We went on one in 2001 --and that is the only one we have been on. You will LOVE LOVE LOVE it... Be prepared to gain about 10 pounds though--so you will have to hit the gym when you get home... ha ha

    Can't wait to hear all about it.
    Much Love,

  4. Hi Shug!

    Have fun!! I can't wait to see the pictures!!


  5. Just popping in to wish you a happy, fun trip! And safe, too!

  6. have the very best trip! Safe journey!!!!!

  7. Soooo excited for you! Have a fantastic time.

    Chances are, unless it's a fancy "get dressed up for dinner" type cruise you won't need most of what you packed but at least you'll be prepared... and hopefully have enough room in your cabin for it all ;-)

    Can't wait to hear about it!!!

    Safe travels,
    xo jj


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Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...