Thursday, October 1, 2015

Our Cruise!!

I need an assistant......NO, I need two or three assistants who can help me catch up in life!!

Do you ever feel this way?  Perhaps, my need for someone to help me organize (ME)....stems from too much traveling!!

Well......I have been so excited to share my cruise with all of you...
I can truly say that it was a BLAST~   Sam and I boarded the "Royal Caribbean, Navigator of the Seas" ship, on Sunday, September 20......along with 5 fabulous friends.

Our journey to Cozumel, Grand Cayman and Jamaica was ALL + MORE than I expected it to be!  Starting with the LUGGAGE!!! car was PACKED with luggage and the two guys......the other vehicle was packed with 5 super chatty women!

                          unloading......more luggage in the car!!!

Our ship......and the first stop in Cozumel.     The water was GORGEOUS!!  Clear and Beautiful.   Sam, Susie and Joe....chose to ride the segways on this day!  The rest of us stayed at a resort and enjoyed the beach and the pool!!

One of us lost their HAT....only to find that (SHE) was sitting on it the whole time!!   There was a comical story involved with this event .....we laughed for the rest of the week!!!

I wanted so bad to pretend that I was on the show "Survivor" and climb to the top of this coconut tree and gather coconuts!!  LOL...
it didn't happen!!

Check this out......The Promenade on level 5 of the ship!  Shopping, eating and a lot of entertainment happened here!!

The chandelier in the Main Dining Room!!  

We had ourselves a great time....each evening.....while dining here.
I so enjoyed the formal nights which were Monday and Friday nights.

Our two waiters were more than Fabulous! They both did an Outstanding job in serving us.   We dined on steaks, Lobster, Fish, and all kinds of desserts!!   So very delicious!

After dinner......while waiting for "Ella Mae" the comedian.
Sam grabbed a few winks before the show..

Our next Port was in Grand Cayman....
While there....we swam with the stingrays!

Oh my.....I was as nervous as a cat in a room full of dogs!
These stingrays were HUGE!!   They would swim right up to us and one even went between my legs!!!  ME Brave?  NO...not hardly!

Sam and I "kissing" a stingray!   Suppose to bring you 7 years of good luck....if you believe in that kind of stuff!!  
I told the guy that I DID NOT WANT to kiss the thing....however, he was persistent in my doing so.

Our third port was Jamaica!  My favorite of all...
I regret that I don't have a photo (right now) of me climbing a 950 foot waterfall.    BUT.....I did do it, along with 5 others in our group.

I'll have photos of this later!!  

Oh was so much fun!!!..........For someone who can not swim (like me).....this was quite an adventure!  Water splashing....NO, Gushing....all around me as I (we) climbed!!

I can honestly say.....this cruise was so much fun.....thanks to my sweet husband and to 5 of our very Best friends!

I have so much more that I could write about this trip, and when all the photos get edited....I will post more!

Hope you enjoy my photos...

shug ~


  1. you have me excited just reading this,, what an adventure!!

  2. First of all, welcome back! I'm glad you had such fun, looks like a fantastic trip with lots of fun and unique experiences. It makes me think I just might have to buy a case of Dramamine and go on a cruise after all! :) Looking forward to seeing more of your big adventure!

  3. Looks like you had a great time with lots of fun things to do! And with good friends makes it even better. We've traveled to many countries, but never a cruise. Might have to think more about that after seeing your great adventure.

  4. When you get those assistants, send them up here... I need some also... Just not enough hours in the day to do everything I want to do...

    I am so glad that you loved your cruise so much...George and I went on one in 2001 to the South Caribbean... SO much fun. It was our honeymoon --so we opted to stay FAR away from the fancy dining room and formal stuff... We wanted to be alone (still do most of the time---ha)---so we ate at various other places on the ship. BUT--we loved it and I'm not sure why we haven't taken another cruise. Maybe someday we will.


  5. Hi Shug!

    I've missed you! Looks like you had a great time! I can't believe that ship, it's beautiful! I have never been on a cruise before, you may have changed my mind about going, it looks so fun!

    I love the picture of you two kissing the Stingray, brave is the word! I can't wait to see more pictures!

    Glad to have you home!


  6. Glad to hear you had a wonderful time.Kissing a Stingray——I don't think that is on my bucket list.LOL

  7. Shug, I am also a non-swimmer! lol But, a cruise like this sounds like something I would enjoy!


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Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...