Saturday, May 23, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend.....

One of my very Best friends......sent a text to me.....Early this morning.   I thought it to be worth sharing with you all.


Speaking in regards to Memorial Day.

"Remember above all else, Memorial Day is most importantly a day to HONOR those that lost their life defending our Nation!  Pray for their eternal rest, and comfort for the families they left behind! And then, pray for our Nation and that we may have a return to God!  Don't pass up a chance to let people know that you love them." 

Well friend.....

I have only had the privilege of meeting one of my blogging friends in person......(Tanna @ The Brickstreet Bungalow)

Tanna is an absolute precious lady....with many talents!

Though, Tanna is the only Blogging Friend that I have actually is my awesome Blessing to send each of you hugs each day.   I love each of you!

Hope each of you enjoy this special Memorial Weekend.......
Prayers for your safety and for the safety of each of your family members.   



  1. Very lovely for Memorial day. From a Canadian blogger as we already had our

    Memorial Day!

    God Bless!

  2. What a wonderfully true statement! Thanks for sharing it, Shug. I hope your weekend is lovely. I wish so much that we could meet and hug! You are so upbeat, brave, cool, just an all around great person! If you ever come this way, PLEASE let me know!

  3. Hi Shug~

    What beautiful thoughts for today. I love Memorial Day, I love thinking and remembering those who defend and preserve our freedoms. Thank you for sharing her e-mail with us!

    I have not personally met any of my blogging friends, although, like you, I love each one with all my heart!

    Have a wonderful week-end dear friend!

    Hugs and Love,

  4. ok... I got lost on your friends blog! She has a wonderful time restoring those rentals! Gorgeous!, as to the 3 day.
    I hope people remember why we have this holiday. To stop and reflect on the freedoms we are given at A GREAT COST!

  5. thats beautiful, have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Never forget the braves that died for the USA.
    Blessings and enjoy your weekend.

  7. You are such a sweetie! Hugs back at ya! May you and your family have a wonderful and safe weekend, too.

  8. You met the Best of the Best, bloggers!
    Tanna is so COOL!
    (I might be a little bit envious)

    Celebrate our Nation and then pray for it!

  9. Thanks for the hug and have a great weekend.

  10. Hi There, Happy Pentecost today. Hope you are wearing your RED....

    Happy Memorial Day Weekend to you and yours also. Let's never forgot those who died for our freedoms... God Bless them ALL.

    Beautiful post today... I know Tanna. She's a very very talented lady.

    Sorry I haven't been around much. George and I have a couple of new online programs (one is a Food Journal and one a fitness/exercise program) --so we are VERY busy increasing our exercise and getting healthier... That's my excuse and I'm sticking' with it... ha ha


  11. What a great thought! Blessings to you this Memorial Day!


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