Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Can you feel the warmth of the fire in my header?  I absolutely LOVE....sitting out in the a hot fire!!

Add a  nice hot cup of cocoa and a s'more or two...and boy howdy, life is sweet!!  

Happy Thanksgiving to all my USA Blogging friends!!

I've been in the kitchen for a good portion of the day.

I made several pans of cornbread......after all, this is the main ingredient in Southern style "DRESSING!"

My onions and celery (for the Dressing) have all been chopped.....the sweet potato casserole is made......the Cherry fluff is in the refrigerator....Ham is ready to be popped into the oven.

Tomorrow morning, I'll finish the Dressing, make a Banana Pudding and fix the deviled eggs!

The girls are cooking everything else! Woo Hoo...

Literally....."Over the river and through the woods"  to Trista's house we will go!!!

We have so very much to be Thankful for.....

Happy Thanksgiving to each of you!!



  1. Oh my Shug, you have been a busy lady! I want to come visit you and your please have a blessed Thanksgiving!

    Love and prayers,

  2. Have a super day tomorrow.Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! You are making a LOT!! Do you know I have never had cornbread stuffing? I have only had the regular plain kind. It sounds lovely to sit outside in the chill in front of a fire with a hot drink. I hope you have a wonderful day!!!!

  4. Sounds yummy!
    Enjoy your day with your family.

    A good fire and warm beverage is always enjoyable.

    M :)


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