Wednesday, August 13, 2014

You would be Amazed.....

Good morning.....

The above photo is one that I took this morning with my iPhone.   This was our breakfast view!  

Sam has a big convention this week in the city of San Antonio and I chose to make the trip with him.   He actually needs my help and I do enjoy visiting with the MANY customers that come by the booth.

I always enjoy visiting the downtown area of San Antonio.   The riverwalk  is so pretty and full of wonderful restaurants.


Back to yesterday's post.......   I wanted to clarify that I no longer suffer from depression.....    Praise the Lord!!

Back 30 years ago was when the nightmare of my life first began,   life was going great for Sam and I.  Our girls were 9 and 7 and they were full of life.   We were in the process of building a new home, and I had a job that I loved, working at the bank. overnight......I became a sick, very sick person.  
Sam took me to the ER clinic and I will never forget the doctor that was on call.....   He must have been at least 75 years old and to me at that time....this was really old.

This doctor immediately diagnosed my problem.  He wanted to give me a hormone injection, but Sam and I were not sure about this and we chose for me NOT to take the injection.   If I had....I possibly could have saved myself a lot of pain and agony.   This older Dr. did suggest that I see my gynecologist  to discuss my situation.   

The next week.....I did go to see my gynecologist......who informed me that I needed to see a psychologist.  At this point....a 5 year nightmare was just ahead of me.

As I said yesterday.....Sam did much research and found a Doctor that could help me.    His first step was to give me a series of injections for 3 months straight.   These injections were so expensive but it was the Hope that we had been looking for.   

These injections would shut down my pituitary gland and by doing so, the doctor would be able to tell if his diagnoses was correct.   Sure enough....during those three months, I gradually began to be the old me.   I had a complete hysterectomy and was placed on HR therapy, immediately.   

I have so much to be thankful for and what I missed telling you yesterday is that without the prayers of our church family, without my relationship with the Lord and without God's wisdom......I really do not know what the outcome of my life would have been.

Many women suffer from this problem and some never get the help they need.   Not only did my old gynecologist insist that I needed to see a psychiatrist, but many other doctors did so, as well.   We sometimes have to be smarter than the doctors!!

If my message helps only one person, then it is ever bit worth the posting of my story!!  Honestly....I wish I had the time to go into detail how God worked in favor of my situation.  You would be amazed!!  Hopefully, someday, I can write a book that will be a huge inspiration to other women who suffer from this problem.   


Ok folks.....I'm fixing to get up off of this bed and head down to the convention center....   Can't wait to see what the next few days hold.



  1. God is so good.Even when we walk down a difficult road,He always is right there leading and guiding. Have a great time in San Antonio.

  2. So glad you are healthy again, Shug. I'm on HRT, too, after a complete hysterectomy - my depression came years later...

  3. Wow Girl---you are so lucky to have such a wonderful husband who did the correct research. Some doctors are GREAT and can really help --and others are just not in the know! Glad you got the help you needed...

    I think that today, so many people are put on the wrong medications (including kids--who are diagnosed as ADHD when they are NOT) ---and that just makes for more problems.

    George and I both do everything possible to get off of ALL prescription meds.. Right now, I am on NONE --but am on lots of vitamins and minerals, etc... George is also off of his --but with his back problem, he may need to get back on them someday.

    I wish we had more doctors who were knowledgeable about vitamins and what supplements we need. We had a great doctor who was wonderful in this area --but she moved to Knoxville for a better job.. The doctor we have now is mediocre at best... Oh Well..

    Glad you are WELL.. Praise God.... Hope your story can help others.


  4. Bless your heart for sharing your success story. Your husband, some wise doctors and your prayer warriors can all be thanked. I imagine this post will give hope to some dear bloggers who read it. "Our God is mighty to save", and you found the right treatment.
    I would like to visit San Antonio and its river walk.

  5. I'm so happy you shared your story. You never know who you will touch and/or who it might save. I think you should write a book about it. I will be first in line to buy it. I still go through bouts of depression, but since I've gotten closer to God, they are fewer and farther between. God bless you for your inspiration to me and others.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........