Thursday, August 14, 2014

Uncanny Things

It is truly a beautiful morning!  I still have on my Pj's and I'm enjoying a wonderful cup of Starbucks coffee!!! 

Here is a sweet picture of my love, standing in front of the vehicle of his dreams. (check out the excitement on his face)   We had just finished setting up the booth at the Nursery Show, and this particular display is in a booth located on the same isle as us.  I knew I had to get a picture of Sam and this truck!

Sam is at the show this morning and I'll be joining him shortly.   
I need a little extra time to get dressed and to do all of my face booking as well as blogging.  Hey....this girl has to stay in the know of things!!

This is the kind of beauty that I'll get to see for the next few days.   Lots of unique plants......some that I have never seen before!
I so enjoy being surrounded by all of this beauty.

Last evening, Sam and I ventured down by the Riverwalk to find some good authentic Mexican food.  We found a place called "Rita's" and we had the choice to sit out by the river or to sit inside.   It was still very warm and humid, so we chose a nice table in the comfort of an air conditioned dining room.  

Sitting across from us was a guy that seemed to be enjoying his dinner quite well.   I was very amused by his behavior!   He would eat a few bites and then he would pull out a bottle of clear fingernail polish and apply it to his nails.   

Just that fact that he was polishing his nails in a restaurant was rather zany, but another quirky behavior was that he must have applied 8 or 9 coats of this polish to his nails, during the time that we were eating.

I must say.....he was one eccentric dude!

If any of you are people watchers, then this is the place to be!!

Can't wait for the uncanny things I might see today...

hugs y'all....


  1. Hi There, I posted a ROSE blog this morning --so don't miss it (when you have time)... I'm sure you two are enjoying your time in San Anton....

    Crazy about the guy putting nail polish on his nails at the dinner table ---and MANY times... Weird... I love to people watch too --and yes, there are some weird folks out there. Of course, you and I are "Normal" aren't we???? ha


  2. I know you will have a great day today Shug! And you will be even more joyful and prettier than some of the flowers! Your blog is always full of joy! Sam looks so happy! Will you take your camera? Maybe you will show us some of the most beautiful and unusual plants there.

  3. Too funny! Nothing much beats people watching! My hubby has been to San Antonio and he said the Riverwalk was pretty cool. Have a great time and enjoy the flowers!

  4. It's an interesting ole world we live in eh! Be boring if we were all the same :)

  5. People watching is so much fun.Have a wonderful time.

  6. I regret not getting to San Antonio when my son lived there. He lived in Austin and we visited there and other places when my brother was alive like Galveston and Lake Jackson, etc. But, our son didn't live in SA long before he moved back to KC. It's on my bucket list! So many places in this beautiful country to see! And people watching is a fun part of traveling. That's a hoot about the man painting his fingernails. OR maybe I should say weird. lol! You never know what you'll see these days!!
    Enjoy your Sunday!


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........