Sunday, February 23, 2014

Planks, Cakes, and Tulips....

It's been another splendid day around here....Warm temps and plenty of sunshine!! 

Tulip trees are in full bloom around here and they are absolutely gorgeous....

I would love to see the tulip trees and the dogwood trees bloom at the same time, but the tulip trees are usually ending their bloom cycle just as the dogwoods begin to start to open.


I have a chocolate chip pecan cake, baking in the oven right now.   It smells wonderful!!  This is my dessert to take to Home Groups tonight, at Church!  I've never made it before and for this reason......I'm a little nervous as to how it will taste!  But can it not taste good with all of these great ingredients in it??

I just checked on it and it looks pretty dat-gum good!!

I dare NOT  eat a slice of it......Shanda has me doing Planks and all other kinds of exercises.   Those things hurt and eating a slice of cake is just not worth having to do extra planks for it....


It's nice to be able to say  "Hi"  to all of you today.......Here's to hoping that your weekend ends with you happy at heart....and that your week begins with a huge smile on your face...



  1. Your cake sounds wonderful and the planks sound like fun! (not really) Enjoy your church group tonight!

  2. Planks- Wow- I can do one leg at a time...does that count? LOL! Have a fantastic week!

  3. The cake sounds yummy.Doing planks is something I won't be trying any time soon.Good luck to you.

  4. I cannot imagine a tree with blooms on it! We still have a lot of snow on the ground, and expect more this afternoon here in central Illinois. East Texas is my favorite part of Texas. My parents were born in Clarksville (dad) and Mt Pleasant(mom). I remember the dogwoods blooming when we'd take out trailer to the State Parks on weekends. Good memories. Well, enjoy your blooms as we shovel snow. Hope that cake turned out delicious!

  5. We've enjoyed some very nice temps lately, too, but it'll be a while before we see the trees in bloom. I love all the spring blooming trees.

    I was telling my dr. last week what a lazy slug I've been all winter as far as exercising is concerned and she said I should start walking at least twice a week to begin with. So I told BG (hubby) that she said I needed to go to the antique malls more often! Haha! He didn't quite fall for that one. :)


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Something New

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