Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday Morning.....Really??

REALLY???  Have you ever wondered why MONDAY mornings can be such a headache?  Our brains have been at rest all weekend long....and when it comes to Monday mornings....the motivation STOPS.

That "High" that we have on Saturday morning, just seems to fade away as we go to bed on Sunday night.

Now here is where the "REALLY" part comes in....

Woke up this morning feeling fine!! However, I knew that this was going to be a rush kind of morning. I needed to be at my Doctor's office by 7:00 for lab work...{did I make it??  NO!}

Next..... A Baseball cap comes up missing in action!  Ballgame tonight and we can't find the stinking hat.  Worse yet...we still haven't found the hat!!

Next, Next....A Library book has been misplaced!!  Who do you think is suppose to know where it's at?? That's right, SHUG!!  Today is Library day for Tori and she is going bananas over this lost book. Have we found it??  NO!

Next, Next, Next......Sam needs me to run an errand for him, which means I won't be able to make it to the Doctor's office until after 8:00.  What happens when you go in for lab on Monday mornings after 8??  The waiting room is flooded with about 20 other people needing to do lab work. LONG WAIT..

Was feeling a little stressed and then I started singing...."Peace, Peace, Wonderful Peace"   Oh what a difference it can make when we wrap our attitude in a warm blanket of God's Amazing Love... 

    My Friends...



  1. Mondays never bother me. When I wake up on Tuesday morning, then I am tired! lol But, always glad to see my students!

  2. Days like that can easily steal our peace and joy.I am glad you found a way to bring calmness back into your life.

  3. Awww, Shug, sorry you've had such a stressful start to your week. I hope all the lost items are found and that test results will come back A-OK! Bless you. :)

  4. Love the Zelda picture-a great resentation of Monday. Hope today started better.

    M : )

  5. Shug,
    I know what you mean about Monday mornings. I remember that Sunday night was worse though because I put off doing my homework.

    Glad to meet you!


  6. Hope your week is not as stressful now! Have a good one!


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........