Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Flags are waving again!!!   I watched several of the City employees as they diligently worked, putting these flags out.   They are almost in perfect alignment and they compliment our City very well.

This year's display of flags had to be moved across the street to the property that is adjacent to the bank.   We (our City with a Heart) is growing.   Work has already begun on a super nice gas station that will also house a What-A-Burger Fast food chain.  I am thrilled, as What-a-burger is my favorite place to eat this perfectly designed sandwich.

I'll be posting more photos of the flags as memorial day approaches.  

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend.



  1. All of these flags lined up is a startling and emotional sight! we do not have a What-A-Burger, or a Carl's. How did they get their name?

  2. Harmon Dobson was determined to create a huge burger that was so big it took two hands to hold it. When he did,he said, "What a Burger!"

  3. they really do look majestic flapping in the wind don't they,

  4. The flags all lined up is great, must be quite a sight in person. I've never heard of What-a-burger, but it sounds good! Hope you're having a fine Sunday, Shug!


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Shower and Travels

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