Sunday, May 19, 2013

Now, You See Me.....Now, You Don't.

A blurry photo, I know.   My iPhone 5 takes really good pictures, but one must be still when the picture is being taken, for the photo to come out clear.   It wasn't Tori moving around, it was me.

Tori (our 10 year old precious granddaughter) never ceases to amaze me.   When I say that she is full of energy, then I really mean that she is full of energy.  I wish I could bottle just a bit of her pep.

Last between her games at the National Tournament, we visited a few of the shops in town.   This particular shop (Paul Micheal's) has so many fun things in their store.  When Tori came upon this lamp.....her imagination went wild.  She's like....Now you see me....Now you don't!

Check out the mirrored pot in the background.

She was in awe of the many unique items that she came across.  With her creative mind, she had already designed a brand new bedroom for herself.   Only problem......there were some pretty high price tags on almost all of the things she liked.

Tori, is definitely our creative one... you would be surprised at the things she can make out of tree limbs and a little string.  I can assure you that it's more than some kind of  kids fishing pole.
She makes me laugh....she warms my heart.....and she keeps me busy!

shug ~


  1. What a wonderful young lady to have in your life.

  2. Cute! So did you guys purchase anything? It is so fun shopping with the grandchildren...

  3. Cute photo, Shug... Don't you just love creative people? Their minds just whirl constantly with lots of new ideas...


  4. Sounds like she is a blast to have around.

  5. shes a beauty, love the hat!!!! lol!!!
    great sense of humor!

  6. What a fun age! That is a darling photo of her. Our oldest is 8 and they are so full of energy and ideas aren't they? I just got a text tonight on my daughter's cell phone and it said Hey! I texted back and asked if it was her as I knew my daughter wouldn't say that. Sure enough, it was and she wanted to say hello - too cute!

  7. How fun! I bet she takes after you.

  8. The youngun's are so much fun! Cute pic. Did you buy the lamp?

  9. Lucky you to have such a sweet granddaughter, Shug! And I bet she's a joy to have around.


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Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...