Friday, May 24, 2013

Busy Days are Here Again

My oh my......Busy days are here again.   Let's see......we have had National Honor Society Ceremonies, Awards Days..., End of the year class trips, Field days..... and a whole lot more of the usual things that happen at the end of each school year!

 Delightful days, fun times, and happy memories.  I often wonder why the last two weeks of school even exist!!  I suppose it's so that the kids can have just a few enjoyable days before the school year ends.  

The dreaded test are a matter of fact, test scores came back this week!!  I don't think that the results were as good as they had hoped for.  But hey, what can possibly be expected.....when the State requires school systems  to give a "Genius" test to every kid in school.......

Moving right along........!!!!  

Summer is almost here and kids will soon be out of school. 
Fun, Fun, Fun.......swimming, movies, sleeping late,  family vacations, church camps, other camps, eating Popsicles and ice cream, drinking lemonade, playing baseball, having sleep-overs .........all of this and more.....

I'm ready.....Hope all the parents are!

Lots of fun, being a kid!!     



  1. Your header is astounding!!! WHAT is this flower and how big is it really? It almost looks like a tulip, but not. Your house in the summer makes me want to be little again and come there to live. Will you adopt me??

  2. The end of school is always a busy time.. I remember those days. AND--I'm sure you and all of the family will have a wonderful summer...

    Hope you have a great weekend. Happy Memorial Day --and don't forget to thank God for our service men and women who do/did so much for us to keep us safe.



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