Friday, May 24, 2013

Definition of Fizzles.......

Here's Hoping that everyone is enjoying a beautiful Friday afternoon.  

 The sun is shining outside, my house is clean.... and there is a three day weekend, just ahead.....for me that is!  

My love, has to work on Monday!   Never, has he ever been off on Memorial Day.  I don't know why, but it is what it is!!  This can be a bit annoying, cause it really fizzles out my weekend as well.....    

Definition of Fizzles:  End or fail in a weak or disappointing way.

Oh well, I shall not complain!!

Does your family have plans for this long weekend?

Be safe.....and Enjoy!!



  1. Sorry you have a fizzle in the end, Shug! Enjoy right up to the fizzle though! We are still in recovery mode. LOL! ;) blessings and hugs ~ tanna

  2. our holiday weekend was last weekend here in Canada, Victoria Day, this is just a normal weekend, but you enjoy yours!

  3. We never go anywhere on Memorial Day, and in fact have never had a vacation in 42 years of marriage. When Phil worked full time, they never let them take any small holidays. They saved them all up and then gave them two weeks at Christmas. Now he is working only part time so he can pretty much do whatever he wants.

  4. Our son is coming in later today for the weekend and we'll BBQ and visit and play card games and eat and nap and eat. I hope we get to BBQ, it's been raining and forecast is for more. We don't need it! Oh well, I'm not gonna let it rain on my parade! Have a wonderful weekend, Shug!

  5. Nothing special planned for the weekend. Happy Memorial day to you!


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