Friday, February 22, 2013

Another One Down.....

For Real......No hugs if you have bugs!!

Got another one down with the FLU bug...

First it was Carson, then Mylee Jo and now Tucker...this big ol' bad bug is making it's way through the grandkids and it really is having no mercy on any of them.

When the kids came by this morning for breakfast, Tucker's cheeks were totally flushed and he said he was aching all, he had fever.  This meant a trip in to see the doctor and sure enough, the test results were positive.......he has the flu.
Tucker had his flu shot back in early November, but evidently it didn't work...

I checked with the doctor to see if someone could catch the flu twice in a season, and.......he assured me that you could depending upon the strain of flu that a person had and what other kind they were exposed to.    YIKES!!  

Tucker started his tamiflu pack today and hopefully this will reduce the length of time and the severity that the flu bug seems to be punching out. 

Hope you all stay well and that you are all staying warm...
I know a lot of you have several inches of snow on the ground right now.  



  1. It seems that the flu this year is worse than other years. I have not had it yet and hope I can avoid it.

  2. Oh my gosh! That's tough for the little kiddos and I hope that nasty bug will be permanently gone soon!

    We got 4" snow, 6-8" were predicted so we were happy it wasn't more. Bring on spring!!!

    Here's hoping you have a great weekend, Shug and that your little ones are well. Hugs...

  3. Oh My Goodness.... I'm so sorry. Hope Tucker --and the others --get well soon... Hope you stay well.

  4. this flu is bad, but hopefully he will be O.K. quick with the Tamiflu. Now the news is saying that the flu shots are hardly effective at all on seniors this year!!!

  5. Hope the flu bug flys away soon.
    Take care of yourself so you don't get it!

    M :)

  6. Poor Tucker! Hope after this round it'll leave y'all alone. I never get the flu shot and have been lucky to never get it. My BFF got the shot and came down with the flu. Weird. Lord, please help Tucker recover quickly. Amen.

  7. I am trying very hard to stay away from anyone with the flu!!! Not so easy to do. Hope everyone gets well and stays well

  8. Ohh you poor things - hoping you're all better very soon and sending lots of love!
    Mary x

  9. Oh, when I saw the title of this entry I was afraid that someone else had the flu. Poor little fella, hope the Tamiflu kicks in and does its job! Happy Lord's Day!


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