Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Great Achievement

This past evening, our family attended the "Chandler Chamber of Commerce" banquet and I can tell you that it was certainly an exciting event for our family.

Shanda was chosen as the "TEACHER OF THE YEAR" for our school district.  Way to go Shanda Kay!

She is so deserving of this award.....Shanda is the kind of teacher that we all want our children to have.   I can honestly say that she goes beyond the duty of a teacher to make sure that her students are getting the education that THEY deserve.   For Shanda, the job doesn't stop there.  Her work goes beyond the walls of the school building.  She diligently works hard in the community, organizing all kinds of programs to help ensure that kids can reach their goals in life.

Our district is made up of six different campuses including.....Chandler Elementary, Brownsboro Elementary, Chandler Intermediate, Brownsboro Intermediate, Brownsboro Jr. High, and Brownsboro High School.   Each school selected a teacher of the year for their campus, and then out of those candidates, there was one teacher voted on as "THE TEACHER OF THE YEAR." I said:   this years recipient was none other than our ("AGGIE" graduate) daughter....
Shanda Kay (Pollard) Booth....      

Shanda receiving her award from our Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Chris Moran.

Shanda and the principle of her campus......Ms. Tina Eaton

Shanda and her childhood BEST FRIEND......Hallee Joan (Ashley) Delaney

A bit of excitement!!

This is a great achievement and we are so very proud of her.....


Hope you all infuse your spirit with wisdom of happiness today...



  1. What a wonderful achievement! Congrats to Shanda. Those children are blessed to have her for a teacher.

  2. Wow congratulations to your daughter! What a wonderful honour. I'm sure you are one proud mom!

  3. Your daughter deserves every bit of praise that she has received. And you and your Sam deserve every bit of praise for a job well done being such a wonderful inspiration. I'm so happy for you all.

    And yes, I would love some info on grafting trees...thank you, thank you for whatever you could share.

  4. Congratulations to your daughter!! That is a lovely honor and I know you are very proud of her! This news makes me smile!! YAY!!!!

  5. Awwww, how wonderful!! You can be so proud of her. And she is really beautiful and glowing in these pictures! Please tell her congratulations from me!!!

  6. What a wonderful honor. I think I saw your smile all of the way to Tennessee.

    Shanda is so pretty --and looks like her MAMA.....

    Have a great day --and congrats to her.

  7. How wonderful! Congrats to Shanda!

  8. Congrats to Shanda. I'm sure your family was quite excited about this.

    M :)

  9. So proud of Shanda - love the picture of her and HALLEE - so glad HALLEE was there.

  10. Congratulations to your daughter, you must be so proud of her! xx

  11. super pround of her!!! awesome!

  12. I am so proud of Shanda Kay!!! Brian saw her big news in the Tyler Paper and sent me the article. I loved seeing the picture of her and Hallee on your blog! I know speak for them when I say we wouldn't be the women we are if we hadn't had such great mothers!! Congrats to you all!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........