Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Journey of Courage!

Update on Tucker......

 Isn't he precious?  This is Tucker (our second grandson) just a few months after his diagnosis of
Leukemia back in 2006.   His thoughts were.....WHO NEEDS HAIR WITH A SMILE LIKE THIS?

"Wipe Out Kids Cancer" had sponsored a fishing tournament and in the above picture, Tucker is showing off his 2  trophies.   He was so thrilled....
I remember this day like it was Yesterday!  I remember how excited he was to be able to fish.

Tucker........getting stronger in this photo!

His hair is growing back and he now has an appetite.

Almost as tall as his Pops, who is 6'1"

One of my favorite pictures!!

Showing all these pictures to say::::::::

Tucker had his 6 month check-up in Dallas, just a couple of weeks ago.
He had gained 16 pounds and he grew 2 1/2 inches tall, in a matter of 6 months.
16 pounds sure sounds like a lot, but for Tucker.....this is a Blessing.

God has worked miracles in Tucker's life and we
are so very thankful.

Today, Tucker is healthy and growing like a weed......He is very active and He LOVES life!!

This is Tucker's "Beads of Courage" necklace and I know for
sure that he will always have it close by.  For kids who have endured the many battles of having cancer, a bead of courage necklace is a simple reminder that God was with them every step of the way.

Hope you all have enjoyed seeing this process of healing post....
By the way:  Tucker's check up yielded him.....Two Thumbs Up!!

Have a Blessed Day.....



  1. Oh, this made my heart smile a big, big smile. How wonderful!

  2. Two thumbs up for Tucker for sure... He's so handsome --and just gets better looking every day. I know you all are just so proud of him...

    Congrats---a cancer survivor.... Yeah!!!

  3. I actually choked up reading about Tucker's journey. Thank you for sharing the wonderful news. God is good. So very good.

  4. Praise the Lord!!! Such a blessings!

  5. Love that last picture of Tucker! Can't believe how much he had grown and know he is proud those beads.

  6. i have sure enjoyed that sweet face this year in school! he is super sweet, respectful, and handsome. love that young man! i know God has big things in store for him!

  7. He is a very special child and you are all so blessed to have him!

  8. Yea for Tucker AND his family!
    I know that all of you are so happy!

    Enjoy your weekend!

    M :)

  9. Hi Shug!
    I'm just spending a bit of my day catching up on some blog reading! It was such a nice surprise to see this post...he is such a beautiful boy and I am so happy for all of you. We have spent the last year watching our 12 year old niece go through a very similar process. She had a brain tumor removed and then had to follow up with months of radiation and chemo. Her hair is coming back just now, in fact she got to have her first cut not too long ago!
    Sending wishes for continued growth and happiness...
    xoxo love from Muskoka xoxo


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