Tuesday, February 5, 2013

One, Two, Three Strikes You're Out!!


It Is Time........Baseball time, that is!   I love BASEBALL and I sure love watching my grandson play!

Not sure if I posted this photo last year or not, but I think it is so cool.  This was not a planned photo.  Just happened that way......  8 - 7 - 6!     Guess who #8 is?   That's Right! ...my grandson, Tyler!

I love singing "Take Me Out to The Ballgame."  I don't think it's the lyrics that intrigue me, it's the beat of the song!!  I really enjoy everything about Baseball season!  The thrill of winning, the cool weather, the warm weather, the sound that the bat makes when the ball hits it, the roar of the umpire when he shouts STR-I-K-E  (against the other team) and listening to the fans yell when we have a runner coming in to home plate.

Baseball is a game with a lot of history and it is a game that has puts stars in a lot of young kids eyes!!
I remember growing up playing baseball at the "Pig Pen."   Not a pig pen where pigs hang out, but the pig pen was a place where kids could gather and play baseball, all day long!

Baseball is certainly a game of skills.....how well one can hit the ball, the ability to throw a ball (not just anywhere) but right into the glove of a teammate.  It's also about being able to SLIDE!!  This is a tuff one, and it takes a lot of kids several seasons to really learn the right way to slide into a base.  You have to know when to slide underneath the catcher's glove!

Not only is this game a game of physical skills, you also have to be able to make a lot of good mental decisions in this game.  You have to know where every player is at all times and you most definitely have to think like your opponents are thinking.  Are they thinking "Steal" or are they risk-takers at all?  What spin is the pitcher planning on putting on that next ball?

See.....there is just so much to love about this game!  Guess you could say that I'm a hopeless romantic for the game of Baseball.....especially when my grandchildren are playing!!

Hope you all have a "Home Run" kind of day......



  1. Hi Shug, My granddaughter plays softball on her high school team. She's very good --and even though she is only in the 10th grade, she is being contacted by colleges who want her to play for them..

    I know you enjoy watching your grands play ball...


  2. This is a very cool picture!!! Ella is still too young for baseball, but she played T-Ball two years. This year it is basketball.

  3. Looking forward to Baseball season!

    Hope Mylie is feeling better.

    M :)

  4. So neat the way the numbers lined up. Tyler looks like he's a natural athlete. Know you are proud, Shug!


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