Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Perfect Kind of Day

Happy New Year...............

Yum..Yum!   Black eyed Peas, cabbage, cornbread, Jalapeno Deer sausage, creamed potatoes, and Ice cold tea.  Gosh, it doesn't get much better than this.

Now that we have eaten, it's just gonna be a sit back and do nothing kind of a day.  Cool weather outside, Warm PJ's, a nice sonic Dr. Pepper with extra ice, my laptop, and some nice heat coming from the fireplace.....This is what I call the good life!

As a matter of fact, my eyes are getting a wee bit heavy right now, so.... I see no need to delay a good, warm, relaxing nap!!

Later Gator's....


  1. Your day sounds like mine, except the food is chocolate chili! Hubby has taken off for Dallas, so I am still lounging around in my pj's and don't plan to change (it's 2:30PM now). Take care Shug, and may God richly bless every aspect of your life.

  2. Sounds like the perfect way to start the New Year!
    Mary x

  3. That DOES sound like a great day. I love Sonic drinks what that crumbly ice....

  4. Hi Shug, Your New Year's Day lunch/dinner sounds great... Not sure about the Jalapeno Deer sausage though.. Have never had that --but I would probably like it --unless it was too spicy... I can't do really spicy things now...

    We had Hoppin' John (casserole with black-eyes, rice, ham, bacon, smoked sausage, onions and spices).... YUM... It was delicious...

    Hope we ALL have good luck in 2013.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........