Thursday, December 6, 2012

Santa Land

It's the most wonderful feeling when your husband surprises you with something he knows you love!  Even something as simple as going to see the lights at "Santa Land."

For those of you that are not from around here, and might not know what "Santa Land" is, let me explain!  

Santa Land is a drive thru light is located just East of Lindale, Texas and for someone like me (Who is a big kid at heart) this place is like a warms me inside and out!

It opens each year, around Thanksgiving and it closes sometime right after the first of the new year.
When we first started going, it was like $10.00 a car to drive through.  This year, the charge was $25.00 per car!!!!!!!!!

Believe me, I was busy counting cars and from what I could tell, these people are making GOOD MONEY!!    Of course.....I'm pretty sure that the electric company is making some pretty good money as well!!!!!

I took several pictures with my iPhone camera and I would love to share them all with you...the clarity is not so clear, so please.....when you look at the photos, just try to imagine the beauty of each little light....

The entrance.....the lights are in sync with music!!

Each tree was absolutely gorgeous!!

Toy Soldiers

And.....lights EVERYWHERE

A HUGE water faucet....with blue water!!


Wagons and Deer....

large tricycles.....

Multiple strands of lights....


Texas Size Boots......

Three crosses on a hillside!

The trail of lights ends with the Birth of Jesus......His death and His resurrection!!!!!


Might I say, this place is beautiful and magical!!
Music is playing throughout the park and for me it's
something that I never get tired of seeing.

I would love to someday, WALK through the park, while sipping on a huge cup of hot chocolate...
This way, I could stop and enjoy all of the places that I would love step into and 
 be a part of...  Like, the rivers of blue lights with fish jumping out of the water....
Santa's work shop where all of the little elves are busy at work.....
Candy land, where all kinds of candies are on display.....
And the tunnel!!!  The tunnel that moves!!

I love it all!!!

What a great surprise from the sweetest guy I know...
Love you Sam Pollard!!!!!



  1. Hi Shug!

    I love Christmas lights!! I think the giant boot was my favorite, how cute!

    When my children were small, their favorite day was the one that we just drove around, drinking hot chocolate and looking at the Christmas lights! Thanks for sharing!


  2. OH how wonderful... I love it... BUT--can you believe how much EVERYTHING costs us now? Food prices just keep going up... Utilities are higher, etc... We're all going to be in the 'poor house' soon --with our current administration in charge in DC.... Yipes!!!

    BUT--glad you enjoyed Santa Land.. Your pictures are gorgeous. AND--I love your header.

  3. THis is gorgeous. I know I would love this place.

  4. Wonderful, wonderful pictures!! Did you forget your camera? Or maybe you didn't know where he was taking you, as a surprise!! My favorites are the first one, LOVE it, the bike and the tornado, so unusual!!!

  5. Shug - I LOVE Christmas Lights - we have a tradition and they have four areas here to look at lights. Two are free, one is cheap, and Lake Lanier - is expensive, but you can get a coupon. I enjoyed your lights.

  6. Pretty place! I just know that you would absolutely love Silver Dollar City in Branson with it's 4 million plus lights. If you love Christmas like I do, you've just got to go'll be glad you did!

  7. Oh Shug...I love these pictures. I could just imagine how beautiful they would all be. They were going to do this here also, with the monies going toward a Women's Shelter!Not sure why but it never materialized.



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