Monday, December 3, 2012

One Small Melt down....

Happy Monday Y'all.....    I know, I'm just a little late getting that said today, but Hey.....better to be late  than not to send my Happy Monday wish at all....

Right off the bat, I have to show you one of my favorite pictures that was taken on our weekend shopping adventure....those of you who follow me on FB, you may have already see this one!

I think I look pretty cool sitting in this NEW $200,000.00 plus Lamborghini....'s not mine and to tell you the truth, I don't think I would want one 
even if I could afford the thing.   IT WAS KINDA DIFFICULT TO GET OUT

This car was parked in front of the IHop that we ate at on Sat. morning.  As we were getting out
of our car, this nice young man was opening the door to get In To this sweet ride....
OF COURSE,  I ask him if I could get a picture while sitting inside the car!!

Let me tell you, the inside of this Lamborghini was awesome!!


I don't have to Wish No More!   On Friday, I was sure wishing to be able to stay up with all these young ladies. MY WISH CAME TRUE, with only ONE, small melt down...

Sad to say, but Yep....I sure did!  I simply took myself a small rest at one of the shops.  All I needed was 10, as in 10 minutes to rest!  Ummmm, definitely not my best photo!

Allow me to rewind this two day shopping trip.....

Friday morning...8:30 departure,  first stop...Starbucks!  Next, it was on to an outlet mall somewhere in Dallas.  12:00 head over to the mall mall!....lunch....SHOP, SHOP, SHOP ....leave mall just in time to hit the 5:00 traffic.  Get to the hotel (which was on the OTHER side of Dallas)....check in.....head out to the Cheesecake Factory.

Wait time at the CCF....over an hour!   Eat....head back to hotel....   Enjoy a wonderful devotion by our pastor's a fun, chat, bed at 11:00.

Wake up....head to over to "Sam Moons" (the shop that women love)....leave, go to  another until 3:00.....

Stop at "Charming Charlie's".....stop at a Target SuperCenter.....Stop at Chick-fil-a.....Stop at one more outlet mall.....get home at 10:00!!


Naomi.....trying to hitch a ride!

Jennifer taking a snooze on one of the display beds at JC Penny's!!

My two sweeties, cheesing it up for the camera.....

and I wanted to post a picture of my tired little puppies, but I never took the time to take a picture of em'.

Needless to say.....all ten of my little piggies were worn out!!

We had a great time and I think that one small melt down was not bad at all!!
Just can't wear a good horse down!!



  1. You guys sound like a fun group! Don't know if I could keep up though! lol

  2. Oh my gosh, all I can think of is how healthy you must be! And what a scream that you were all reduced to napping in the stores. Now tell us, did you find everything you were looking for? And good sales?

  3. Looks like you all did a heck of a lot of eating... I'd probably gain weight on that trip--even with all of the walking...

    BUT--I'm here to say that I would NEVER go on a shopping spree like that... I'm not a shopper at all---so someone would really have to PAY me BIG BUCKS to EVER do something like that... Glad you made it home safely though... Bet you slept well....

  4. That sounds like a fun trip but a bit of a marathon.

  5. Oh, those are fun shopping experiences, exhausting, but fun! Dallas is just the BEST and I'll probably do a bit of shopping there this next Tuesday as we stay there on our way to Kansas.

    Sam Moon's is so overwhelming to me and I just can't think straight when I'm in there. I went this summer and got a few things but not near as much as I probably could have.

    Christmas blessings!


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