Thursday, December 27, 2012

Help, I'm Bored!!

I am Bored!!  Can you believe it?  Part of my family is out of town....Sam is working....and the rest of the family is out shopping and making some exchanges on items....

My house is clean....dusted....swept and mopped.  The closets are clean and the dishes are all done.  Oh, the laundry is done as well..  We are getting ready to start the 21 day Daniel Fast again, so NO cooking needs to be done.

Back, just a few weeks ago, I was begging for extra time.  Now, I have too much!  This is called Petty Gripping, isn't it??

I'll just post a few Christmas pictures and move on with my day...

Christmas games.....This was a relay and each team had to know down so many bottles, using the orange in the bottom of the stocking.

even the adults had fun playing this game!

Sugar (aka.Shug) and Pops.....

Grandkids and my dad

Grandkids and Sam's parents..

The crew....

Now, I gotta go find me something to do!!

later gators!!



  1. The games look like such fun, and what very lovely pictures of all of you!!! You must not need very much sleep.

  2. You remind me of one of my best friends --who is a Type A personality, always busy/always doing something/never idle.... I used to be more that way than I am now. I can relax with the best of them these days!!!!! ha ha

    Great sets of pictures of a wonderful family...


  3. It is like that around here too...."all or nothing", seems to rule the days!

  4. Too bad we live so far apart. I have some things that need to be done. :)

    M :)

  5. Oh Shug...I sure wished you lived next door, I have somethings you could

    Sure looks like you all had a fun time with your

    Blessings and enjoy your family!

  6. Your family is so beautiful, Shug. And, I love all the fun y'all have together! I have LOTS of things to be done if you get bored again! LOL! blessings ~ tanna

  7. Such fun family photos! Y'all sure know how to party. Hope you find something to fill your time today. :)


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Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...