Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Positives or Amnesia?

Remember the positives in life and claim Amnesia for the rest!!!!!

Listen....it is way too difficult to let negativity control your life.  I said, it is way to difficult to dwell upon finding the negative  all day long.

Have you ever been around a person who only sees the NEGATIVE  ??  They really are miserable people.   Their lives are controlled by :

Jealousy....Failure.....lack of self esteem....
being stingy....and unhealthy choices.  They look at every facet of life as if it's doomsday.
Their buckets are always full of gloom and doom.  They are always trying to blame others for their own unhappiness.

This is SAD!!

On the other hand, the life we live can sure be happier when we fill the empty spaces with happy thoughts.  By doing so, it's easy to find goodness....not only in ourselves, but in others as well.

By finding goodness in others, we gain contentment, peace, and fulfillment for ourselves.  

The great thing is, that by being a positive person, others can feed off of our positive energy....and vice versa.

It is just so simple if we allow it to be....

healthy choices, happy thoughts = A simple, fulfilling and happy life.

Sounds good to me!!



  1. Hi Shug, Oh how I hate even being around negative people. I have one blog friend who is so negative that it just drives me insane. I try my best to bring him UP out of that PIT--but it doesn't help much. God Bless him.

    Cold here this week... We've had a fire in the fireplace all week... LOVE it.

  2. You are so totally right. I try hard to stay positive and keep happy thoughts. I hope you are having a great week.

  3. I agree with you. Being around negative people is a real downer! Who needs that? I know a few and feel sorry for them, but try to avoid them when possible. I sometimes think they feed on their negativity.

  4. What great advice! I see so many like you described on Facebook and elsewhere and it's just so draining. I can be caught complaining at times, but try to thank God for all the good in my life for the most part. Hope you have a great week!

  5. Oh my goodness - what you say rings 100% true. And yes I have been around negative people and it hurts my soul.

  6. Sounds good to me too Shug!
    Mary x

  7. I'll second that, Shug! I do not need negative people in my life - they really bring me down and make me wallow, too. I need positive happy people around me. And we can still be content and have joy in Christ even in the midst of troubles!

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

  8. I think this should be published! Great thoughts for sure and so, so true!

  9. Hi Shug!

    I couldn't agree more! It is up to us to make our own happiness . . . I'd like to think that I am a person who sees the glass half full instead of half empty! I'll just bet you are that kind of person too... ;0)


  10. Yup! Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
    Doesn't say anything about negative stuff in there!


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