Sunday, October 21, 2012

Lean on One Another

There are times in life, when we have to lean on one another...   I believe that when we don't understand, the best
thing to do is to ask questions.

When doctors can no longer give you any answers and it seems as if they have simply washed their hands of dealing with a disease....then we sometimes have to reach out for wisdom from others....

Alzheimer's/Dementia........Both of these are horrible diseases and can lead to a very challenging journey for a family...

It would be my prayer for none of us to have loved ones with 
this horrible disease, but......the truth is....WE DO.

Seems like the most popular statement in our family these days is......"I just don't know what to do!"   These words come out my mouth much more often than I care for them to.  Sad thing is, these same words are spoken over and over again by my brothers and my niece.....

All we can do is to put our trust in the Lord and wait for His answers....

It is sad enough for a person to have a disease that robs them of their humility....but way too often, Alzheimer's loves to bring along other humiliating counterparts that can make matters worse..

Things like severe anxiety attacks....or it can dramatically change the only way they know how to live and to survive.

In my dad's case, we are dealing with anxiety severe, that they are requiring our constant care.

At first, he was only having them in the wee early morning hours....for the past couple of months, these attacks are so un-expected and can come on without any warning at all...

We would love to have some answers....but every where we turn, a huge wall is what we are coming up against....
Medications are not working and therefore we are not getting the help that is needed from any of the physicians....

On the other side....the good side......he does have some good days and  this is where it seems that we are stuck in the middle...........................
My dad is not quite to the point that he needs to be in a facility, the same time.....when he has one of these attacks, it requires us to be only a phone call away.

What to do???   Have any of you ever dealt with a situation similar to the one that my family is facing?  I would so much appreciate any insight that any of you can give......

Perhaps someday.....someone will need my wisdom for the things that we are going through with my dad....if so, I sure hope I will be able to help in some way.

Hugs to you all....


  1. Oh Shug, my heart weeps for you. This IS a horrible disease and no, I do not know how to help other than my constant prayers for the right answers. I know my sisters FIL went through this and they, too, struggled for answers. We know now, that, this was what my Grandfather had 40-some yrs. ago before it was named as more than 'confused.' My Grandmother finally had to sell the homestead, move to town so she could walk across the street to cook at the nursing home he was living in. She found peace knowing she could still see to his needs yet have nursing care daily. It's a tough call, Shug. My prayers that you and your family can find the best answers. Stay healthy yourself. Hold his hand.

  2. Gosh, Shug, I have not dealt with Alzheimers, though I think my mother was in the beginning stages of dementia coupled with her Parkinson's right before she passed. I used to pray for God to tell me what to do and when to go care for her. By the time I finally let go of my own selfish life, then it was too late. I spent 6 weeks caring for her and then she was gone. I'm not saying this is your situation at all, I'm just sharing what happened to me. Pray that God will give you clear answers and direction and depend on Him for the answer. So sorry your family is going through this. I will pray...

  3. My prayers are with you. I wish I could be some help but I do not have any experience with this heart breaking disease.

  4. Oh, Shug, I know all too well what you are dealing with. My MIL had this horrible disease. At the early stage she went to live in an Assisted Living Facility and it worked very well for her and for us, as we were her only family here. Then when she could no longer stay in the Assisted Living Facility, she had to be moved to a Nursing Facility and it was a sad, sad day. I know that finances can play a huge part of this type of decision but I hope that you and your siblings can find a workable solution soon. Thinking of you and praying for God's guidance.

  5. There are so many people I wish I could do something for right now - and all I can do is pray. Prayer is a powerful gift.

  6. Oh Shug, I was so sad when I read this... It happens so often and to so many older people. I have a good friend who had to put her grandmother in a facility which deals with Alzheimer's patients. The grandmother is doing fine there --and is safe. BUT--decisions like that are not easy to make... I am sorry for you and your family... God Bless ALL of you.


  7. This is a tough situation, what a nasty disease. It's a tough call for you but it's great that you are near him. Here's wishing you the best and I wish I knew the right answer for you. Take care, my friend!


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