Saturday, August 18, 2012

Leaving Home...

If I had known, that the only thing needed to make it rain, was for me to leave home.....I would have left a few weeks ago!

Reports from home are that the rain has really been coming down since we have been gone...I for one, am thrilled about this.  I love to hear the sound of thunder (for which I missed)...but more than that, my plants were in need of some good ol' rain water.

I'm just about to head over to convention center...hope to take some good pictures today...

Have fun this weekend!
Shug ~


  1. Boy we are baking out here. What I would give for some good heavy rain.

  2. It has been raining here all day too and has really turned off much cooler this afternoon. Yea!

  3. Love a good rain for the greenery! We've been getting enough rain our way - it has slowed down the construction - wish it was done already! Enjoy your time away!

  4. Finally some rain! Glad to hear it. We're getting deluged right now as I speak. Loving the lower temps that come with the water as well.


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