Monday, August 20, 2012

Cracker Jack's

Hello's me!  This has been one "Cracker Jack" of a day.
By that, I mean it has been good....Everyone knows there is always something good in a box of cracker jacks....

I realized this morning that today, August 20 is the date that my sister passed away, some 33 years ago...It's also the date of my mom's funeral (August 20, 2005) 

 I had a choice this morning....I could have determined in my mind, that today was a day to be all gloomy, based upon the sadness that has come my way on this particular day, in the past.

But, on the other hand, I also had the choice to say, "This is a beautiful day...It's a gift and I'm going to unwrap it and ENJOY what ever comes my way."

It has been said that some people bemoan life's difficulties while others appreciate life more and more, because of what has come their way...I do appreciate every ounce of sunny success that each day delivers...

I am happy that I chose to open a box of Cracker Jack's today...

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

Hey....don't you just love to bask in the glow of a brand new day?

Shug ~


  1. It's funny - a day of sorrow for you and a day of joy for me - my son's 37th birthday - but you are 100% correct and you made a great choice. Sorry for your losses. sandie

  2. Please accept my thank-you as i give you a huge hug.I needed to read these words.It is often so hard for me to see the good,when I feel so sad.Sorry,I don't mean to burden you with my sadness,but thanks for the much needed kick in the right direction.

  3. Such a positive voice from you Shug! I always love your posts. They never fail to gift me the lift/perspective I need for the day.

  4. Neat post, Shug.... I love taking the positive side of life---searching for joy all along the way... I remember those gifts in the Cracker Jack boxes... They always made me smile--along with the Cracker Jacks.... ha



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