Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Football and the BARK

Are you ready for some Football?

This is one of those things that I have mixed emotions about.
I love football.....and I love # 7 of the Brownsboro Bears.


It sure makes me nervous when our grandson (# 7) steps out onto the field.  It's the hard hits, the bruises, and the dangers of the game that really get to me...

I'm his Shug, and if he were to get hurt, then I would want to be the first one down on the field to take care of him.
Not real sure that this would look good for Tyler...You know, having your sweet grandmother, bringing her own bandages and home doctor's kit to the sidelines, not to mention her barks!

BARKS, you say.   Yes, ever since Tyler (our first grandchild) was able to recognize his hurts....WE HAVE BARKED!!  Should I say, Shug has barked!

Whenever he would scrape his knee or get a small  Boo Boo, the best medicine was a bark from Shug.   I would bend down and Bark at whatever was ailing him.  Sometimes he would want a BIG bark and sometimes all it took was a little bark.

I know, this sounds crazy, but it always made him feel better and it always brought a HUGE smile to his face.  

I have been barking ever since...All six grandkids are really in tune with the bark...It's what makes them feel better!!!
Hey, it doesn't matter where we might me... at the mall, the grocery store or just out on the street....my grandkids expect a BARK!!

I've been praying for God to place a huge bubble around Tyler.  A bubble of protection so to speak.  Worrying will never make a difference...PRAYER WILL!  I'm giving these concerns to God and as for me....I'm going to Trust  Him.

I'm ready to enjoy some FOOTBALL!

Walk in the Light....
Shug ~


  1. I know that a well placed kiss heals most owies,but I had never heard of bark doing the same. Cute.

  2. Whatever works, right. The important thing is that they know that your loving attention WORKS.
    And YES, we are ready for some football...absolutely.
    BlessYourHearts and a WinningSeasonToYourTyler

  3. If a bark works, then so be it! lol Cute story! Wishing your grandson a great & safe football season!

  4. Oh, Shug, this is really a new one!
    But your g'children will be talking about your 'barks' long after your gone. You may have just started a family tradition.

  5. Hi Shug,

    Wow! Now your clever. I would never have thought to bark. I kiss all boo boo's and sometimes fan them when they hurt.
    I'm sure your grandson loves that your there cheering him on. Of course I will keep Tyler in my prayers. xo


  6. You think of the neatest things to endear your grandchildren. Whenever I have some (big IF), I will have plenty of ideas from you. You are something else!

  7. So cute! I have never heard of barking! lol

  8. I know how you feel... BUT--just remember that God will take care of him --and YOU!!!! Just relax and enjoy the football. My 3 sons all played and somehow, we all made it through those years!!!!!

  9. Go Bears! And especially #7! I have to admit it was much easier to watch the game this year knowing our oldest son wasn't on the field. After the broken arms, hurt knee and concussion I was one much less nervous mother knowing he was not at the bottom of every pile. We still LOVE football, but I'm thankful he chose to put his focus on the court and not the field! Thanks for sharing the pictures. Makes me homesick for the blue and gold!!

  10. He is one handsome football player! If a bark helps then thats what it is! I should try that with my grandchildren. I am glad you put trust in our lord and will be able to enjoy the game. My middle son continues to keep me in the same place with his life choices so I feel your worry. Hope you have a great week.

  11. I know EXACTLY what you mean Shug - I do the same with Andy - not for football, but I do try to protect him - it is so hard not too!


  12. Everyone needs a good BARK sometimes!

    M :)

  13. We give beezer medicine :) It works every time. I hope all is well. Blessings...Mary

  14. Hi Shug!

    I know what you mean!! I love football, but is scares me to death - I'm so afraid of my grandson getting hurt! I don't know why, it's usually the other guy who get hurt (he's a big kid!), but he is still my baby, my first too!

    I love the BARK story - very cute! I don't think he would be embarrassed, I think her would be happy to hear grandma bark at him!



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