Sunday, July 8, 2012

Rain and some good tips

It's raining, It's pouring, and I've been snoring!!!

I am so thankful for this wonderful rain shower that we are receiving...our crepe myrtles were needing it.......

Life tips.....

*  When you wake up in the morning....complete the following 

statement...."My purpose is to ___________ today."

*  Try to make everyone around you smile.

*  Realize that life isn't fair...but life is GOOD.

*  No one is Perfect!!  So...don't expect perfectionism

*  Make peace with the past, so it doesn't mess up your present.

*  Do not compare your life with others'....You have no idea what

    their journey is all about..

*  Each day is special...don't wait for "a special occasion" to use 

    your china...

     I love this one........
*  No one is in charge of YOUR happiness....except you!

*  Pray for others.

*  Expect the BEST out of your day.....

*  Learn to appreciate what you have....

These are great tips for living......What would you add?  leave it on

my comment list.....

I appreciate your friendship!


  • Take a 10-30 minute walk every day and whilnly don’t want a fast pass. Make the most of it and enjoy the ride.


  1. Wonderful tips for a good life. I have determined to really 'live' each day that God gives me breath. I don't want to just exist.

  2. Well, this is a pretty good list. about do a kind deed and expect no recognition for it? Yeah, I like that one. :)

  3. Hi Shug!

    I just love your positive attitude - it always makes my day to read your posts! I would have to say . . . Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to... ;0)

    Love your beautiful pictures!!



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