Saturday, July 7, 2012

I firmly believe in the Power of Prayer....

God is not interested in our prayers being eloquent...He wants us to be honest and real when we pray...even when we are unable to speak the words, God knows are needs....

Prayer is about engaging our hearts towards God and allowing Him to see our humility and our love.  God desires for us to lean on Him, to Trust Him, and to call upon Him....In the name of Jesus.

God is our source...He is our life.  Through prayer we receive comfort, strength, and a deeper relationship with God.  
John 16:24.....Until now you have asked nothing in My name.  Ask and you will receive, that your joy may be full...Thank you Lord!!

God wants our joy to be full.....This can only happen when we
experience answers to prayer.  God wants us to be joyful...not sad
and downcast.  His answers to our prayers put great joy in our 

I was thinking about prayer this morning....How quick we are to 
pray....but how quick are we to share with others about the 
goodness of the Lord and how HE has answered our prayers?

I know that this week....I came to you and ask each of you to be

in prayer with me, for several things that were going on around 


I want to share with you about the answers to each of these needs.

1)  Zoey was healed....she was instantly healed, when God called

    her home....."Praise the Lord"

2)  Our son-in-law (Ty)  finally made it home, late Thursday 

     evening....Yes, there were a few challenging moments on 

      this missions trip, but Ty is now safely home and his heart 

      is full from what God has done in his life and in the lives 

      of those that he was able to share God's love with...

3)  Our precious daughter, Shanda and her family....made it 

      home this past evening, from a fast and furious trip to

      Kentucky....Tom's dad is ill and is still in need of our 


4)   My unspoken prayer still a need.  But, this one thing

      I know, is that God is the master of peace....and I feel His hand

      upon me.  Thank you Lord!!

I love you dear friends....Thank you for all your prayers!


Have a Blessed Saturday..


  1. So grateful for answered prayer. God is always there and he does always answer. Hugs, Marty

  2. Praise God for answered prayer. Sometimes the answers are not exactly what we thought they should be,but God always knows what is best for us.Have a wonderful and relaxing weekend.

  3. I needed to read this post. Sometimes (most times) I feel my prayers are inadequate and that I am always asking God for something, but what am I giving in return? Maybe Satan is making me feel ashamed and unwanted before God. All I need to do is open myself up and let God fill me.

    I'm so glad most of your prayers have been answered one way or another. I hope Zoey's parents are doing okay. I just can't imagine. Take care, Shug and thanks for being such a God-warrior.

  4. GReat post about our almighty God and His faithfulness to us. A real encouraging post!

  5. What a powerful post. God bless you.

  6. Few things are better than answered prayers. I hope you have a really lovely weekend. Blessings...Mary


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........