Sunday, July 15, 2012

I just love all of the charming 
"Texas Sage" that just thrives in the South.

This particular plant, along with all the cactus sure adds a lot of beauty to the Texas landscape!!

We have already been to Target two times.  Coloring books and notepads last night, plus a few other things....

Of course, we had to have a contest last night!  The first one to fall asleep gets a prize!! 
The winner?
Both girls....

This called for our second trip to  the all famous Target store....
This time they picked out dolls!!

Dolls for sweet.

Now we are heading out the door to go swimming...

more news later!

Let the Sunshine In.....



  1. Are you still in New Braunfels? I laughed when I read you were there --because I don't think of that as being SOUTH Texas... I was thinking that you were going to Corpus...But of course, it is south of you!!!!!!! ha ha

    Sounds like fun --wherever you are and whatever you are doing....


  2. Can I come to Target too?! Sounds like fun!

  3. have LOVED getting this rain!! blessings ~ t.

  4. That Texas Sage reminds me of our Mexican Heather growing in our garden right now. It does make for some nice color in the dry season, although it hasn't been too dry here lately! Glad you're having a good trip. Y'all be safe and enjoy!

  5. Hi Shug, what a good Gramma you are! I love Target, my girls are 21 and 25 and we still have our princess days! It was always great fun when they were little bitty girls to treat them. Sounds like you're having a great summer! I'm trying to get back to blogging, a lot going on... finished physical therapy, trying to focus on friends and family! Always a pleasure to visit you, love your beautiful posts and pictures! Hugs!

  6. Hi Shug!

    Sounds like you are having fun!!! Be safe!


  7. What fun you are up to! Love, love, love Target! Your Texas Sage is just gorgeous.

  8. the sage is simply beautiful!
    Mary x


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