Monday, July 2, 2012

All Dressed Up.......

Our sweet (little) city is ready for the fourth!!

and....I'm excited!


We can make our plans, but the Lord
orders our steps.
       Proverbs 16:9  NLT

Most of us here in the good ol' USA are making huge
plans to celebrate the 4th of July!

There will be all kinds of celebrations....cookouts, swimming, fun on the lakes, BBQ's, races, and an explosion of

Huge Fireworks!!!

We all are very excited.......about the plans that WE
are making....

I just want to point out, that we all (speaking to myself here) need to be even MORE excited about the plans that GOD has for our lives....

God's road map for my life is full of abundant blessings and my desire, is to read this map daily, and be prepared in my heart to go where HE leads me......

This path that HE leads me on, may  cross over mountains, or I might just find myself climbing out of a few valleys, but this one thing I know, for sure, is that He is in front of me....guiding me!

I am Blessed because God orders my footsteps..... I'm dressed and ready to go....where God leads me.

Have a Blessed day!



  1. I really love your last line here, Shug.

    I'm dressed and ready to go.
    Too often, I SAY that I'm ready to go, but I can't say that I'm "dressed and ready". There's a big difference.

  2. With God as our guide we cannot go wrong.The road is sometimes hard,but God is always there.

  3. Those strong arms are always there for us.

    Enjoy your holiday.


  4. You have once again shared food for thought with us. I hope you have a fantastic celebration. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  5. I try to always leave everything imporant in the hands of God. Hope you have a great week.

  6. I wish I had your faith. Mine is still the size of a mustard seed.

  7. Have a fabulous 4th of July and celebrate God's goodness!

  8. I don't know. My fabulous SIL is on the doorstep, any moment now.. A Happy 4th to you, Shug!!!

  9. Hi Shug, Your town really puts on a great 4th of July celebration, doesn't it?????

    I'm all dressed up and ready for what is to come also... Right now--it's time for bed...

    We are going to Tullahoma to spend the 4th with G's Dad and sister.... Should be fun.

  10. Isn't it wonderful to know that God is with us...always!! Have a fun and Happy 4th!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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