Saturday, June 23, 2012

When you put on today's clothing, make sure your heart is adorned with Christ's righteousness!

I absolutely love how the Falls were dressed each evening.  The water cascading over the water's edge, turned from pink to blue to green and then, back to white.  This was very fascinating to watch....


I do have to tell you, I  love my grunge clothes!
You know....the kind that you get to wear around the house when no one is around.....

I have a lot of friends who get up every morning and the very first thing they do, 
is put the make up on and get fully dressed.
Fully dressed, as in all matching attire and their arms full of bling.....

It's not like they have a job to go to.....No, they dress like this to stay home!!  

Oh....not me!  I have to be comfortable! Not sloppy...just comfortable.  If I have somewhere to go, then yes....I will dress myself up, but just to run next door to the neighbors house.....OH NO, NO, NO.....

I love my neighbors...and I sure hope they love me too.....(no make-up and all)

God loves us and I do believe that HE wants us to take care of ourselves, but most importantly, HE longs for us to make sure that our hearts are dressed with love, kindness and goodness.....

The way others see our hearts, is what is  MOST important!!  

Happy Trails to!


  1. Lovely picture of the Falls. Thanks for the words of wisdom today.

  2. A pink falls, I LOVE it!!! I am with you, it is jeans and a comfy top in the day for me. Are you old enough to remember the shows like Donna Reed and Ozzie and Harriet? The wives vacuumed wearing pearls and heels!!!

  3. How could anyone not love you! With or without makeup, you are a keeper. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  4. I love the fountains dressed in pink. I don't get dressed so much but I do like my make-up - lol. And you are right God loves us just the way we are.
    Hard to believe it sometimes.

  5. Hi Shug!

    What a beautiful picture of the falls - just gorgeous! I also love the quote . . . :0)

    I love my grunge clothes!! I don't like to go to town in a mess, but at home, I like to be comfortable. I have one quirk . . . I like to have my hair looking nice . . . no matter what, just a little quirk of mine.

    Have a wonderful Saturday!


  6. Gorgeous pic of the falls. What a cool experience.

    I'm like you on the dressing thing, especially now that I have to dress for work. Comfortable around the house is the way to go!

  7. Beautiful picture of the falls.

    Guess I'm really weird but I do the whole nine yards everyday, makeup, hair, matching clothes and jewelry. Not sure why, but I always have. Now, after dinner if we have no more plans for the evening then I get into PJ Pants and a T Shirt because I definitely want to be comfy by then.

    Happy Sunday!

  8. Hi Shug, I love the pic of the falls...beautiful! I love to wear comfy clothes, but I try to do my hair and put on a wee bit of makeup. At least most days. I never know when someone will come to my door, so I don't want to scare anyone! :D Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  9. That's a gorgeous looking falls, enhanced by those colored lights. I absolutely love being comfortable! Clean, fresh, but stopped wearing make-up about a year ago. Find with my rosacea that make-up was aggravating it and actually drew attention to my face. I keep thinking that if someone doesn't like the way I look, they can look away! I do have my wedding ring and one on the other hand and that's it for bling. I really should sell all those gold chains I have from my youthful days. Even both my girls are not into bling and no one wants them, lol!

    Blessings to you and enjoy your grunge clothes!!!


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