Friday, June 1, 2012

Plans for Healthier Eating....

I think I depressed my hubby just a bit this morning....He saw my new header picture, and he could not believe how much weight he has gained since this picture was taken just about two years ago....(maybe 30 pounds) Sam is the one wearing the red shirt! happens!!  I'm not saying that carrying all those extra pounds is a good thing, but sometimes.... food is just down right GOOD!!

I promised him that I would try to manage our meals to include healthier foods...(I'm guessing this means I will have to cut out ALL THE SWEETS)   This stinks!!

I sure wish I had that particular gene that doesn't give a hoot about sugary desserts....
Instead, I have the gene that doesn't care for meats, potatoes, salads or breads.....IT'S SUGARS THAT I CRAVE!!


While watching Dr. Oz yesterday....I heard them say that belly fat is believed to contribute to shrinkage of the brain.  Lands alive, I've for sure gotta get busy working on belly fat!!

How many of you have ever lost 10 pounds, only to gain back 15 or 20?  This is kinda discouraging...when it reaches that point, not only do you have to lose the original 10 pounds, but you also have to lose the additional 5,10,15 or 20 pounds that you just packed on....

I'm gonna try my best to get us back in line with our eating habits....Right after our trip to Canada (I don't know what the specialty food is up there, but you know we have to try it.) And then we have a trip to Louisiana to have some Cajun Food!

Let's see...we have the 4th of July coming up...there is always good food for this holiday.  Then we have a trip to San Marcos..gotta eat at the Grist Mill.  

Yep...I can see the plans for healthier meals coming soon.... I have 09/01/2012 marked on my calendar!!

hugs to you all....


  1. Good luck. Maybe you can inspire me to eat healthier as well. I also want sweets more than any other food.

  2. Oh girl, do I know the feeling. My daughter just dropped 50 lbs. on ' diet' drops that require a 500-1200 calorie intake. Are you kidding???
    No way could my body handle that. I tried eating the required foods WITHOUT the drops and lost 15 lbs. So far, I have kept all but 2 lbs. off. Yeah! It's very difficult. Been there, done that. As we age, our metabolism does change, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it. My problem is CARBS---I just love my breads and too many toppings on my baked potato and ice cream....geez. Tough call. Now, there is the week of fishing in north MN next week...hmmm, I think I need pizza, steaks, spuds and brandy. Have fun on all of the detours. Canada sounds great!, oh and San Marcos and Cajun food.
    We are still going to live as long on this earth as the good Lord intends so enjoy yourself. No guilt!

  3. good luck!! i like tootsie rolls and fudge pops when I crave something sweet...low in calories but sweet enough to satstify...most of the times.

  4. There are always occasions coming up that we have to delay our diets! But it is natural as we age to gain a bit of weight, that is just how we are made!

  5. Oh,at least you didn't use the word DIET. I think "Healthy Eating" is a much better term and I wish you all the luck in world.

  6. Watching what we eat is a huge struggle daily. But I managed to lose 50 pounds starting when hubby was in Afghanistan and have kept it off now for a year. But I do struggle. I enjoy eating but it's a lifestyle choice and I need to watch what goes in my mouth for my health as well. Your header picture is beautiful. Hope you have a nice weekend!

  7. I am a sugar addict too.
    Hey I can't see any people in the Header.

    Love, sandie

  8. Good luck! I am a sucker for great food when I travel, so I know what you mean!

  9. They say sugar is the worst thing to have ever been introduced into the American diet. It IS indeed addictive. And don't be fooled by diet drinks or anything with Splenda or the manufactured sugars. Your body still THINKS you're giving it sugar so it behaves in the same way as if you had just gone ahead and ingested sugar! It also causes cravings--big time. I'm not saying I've cut sugar out completely, but I have cut the majority and no longer have the cravings. You'll see.

    Good luck and God bless y'all! Be safe on your travels--Canada sounds exciting and I know you're in for some good food in Cajun country. Wave at me when you pass by. :)


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