Thursday, May 31, 2012

Good Morning Friends....

How many of us know what our talents are?  Seriously....God has given each of us our own talents, but sometimes we do not take the time to recognize what we have been gifted with!

The truth is....sometimes we know our talents, but choose to turn away from them!  Why?  because we 
would rather have a talent that someone else has been blessed with....We are not happy with, or interested in our own talents.

What about encouraging others with their talents?
I have not always been super great at doing this. I am working hard  to acknowledge the talents of others and want to help energize their confidence in the works that they do.....

I wish to freely give praise to my friends and acquaintances, and I want to be a part of celebrating their fruitfulness.....Confidence and a willing heart are two major powerful forces that are needed to give us victory in the things we do...

We must always remember that the words we speak, can give hope and encouragement to those that are striving to use their God given abilities.....

I want to be a part of this!!

Hugs Y'all....


  1. Great post and something to remember. Hugs Marty

  2. I love your new beautiful!

  3. Yes, I so much agree!!! So many people wish they could sing, or do this or that, but they do have a wonderful talent that God have them, they are just ignoring it because it is not what they want or not flashy enough. But each of us has our own special role to play, and no one is more loved or more important in life than any one else.

  4. Your gifts must be encouragement and a zeal for God's word, Shug. I'm sure you have many other gifts, too!! Thanks for always giving us something to think about.

  5. What an inspiring post, Shug! A great message! Have a good evening!

  6. I was told many times that I had a gift for getting people involved in volunteering at church. When I worked in Texas in a large church of 3400 members, I would have at least 500 volunteers working under me at any given time.

    I never thought of it as a gift --but as part of my job (thinking that all church workers did that)...

    But---now that I'm older and look back on all that I did ---I do suppose that I did have a 'gift' when it came to involving people. I could probably write a book on how I did it since there are specific ways.

    One of those ways is to encourage and promote people --making them feel special... That is exactly what you are talking about today... People do have talents and love to be appreciated.


  7. I often admire or appreciate something done by someone and forget to tell them! It's awful! I like a lot of things but don't feel accomplished at anything. :D
    I do make a nice cheesecake. Your post was a good reminder to look for an opportunity to encourage someone.


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