Saturday, June 2, 2012

Is this Sweet or What?

This was how I started my day......reading a beautiful art journal that our grandson made for his girlfriend...

Today was their one year {dating} anniversary!  Tyler has been working on this journal for about 5 months now....I truly wish that I could show you every page!  He did a fabulous job putting this thing together...

Check out the secret box.....Tyler sealed about 75 pages together, and then he cut out, about a  1 x 2 square and then made a drawer that slides into the book....Inside the  drawer is a beautiful "James Avery" ring that he bought for Kelsey....

a side view of the book and the slide-in drawer....

Tyler packed a wonderful basket full of yummy food, and then he took her to the farm for a picnic....

The two of them, carved their initials in this big....old tree!!  

He even took his lawnmower out to the farm yesterday and mowed out a section for their picnic!!

Is this sweet or what?

I love this (kid)



  1. How romantic! I got a little teared up seeing all the trouble he went to for his girl. What a nice young man!

  2. Young grandson sounds like a wonderful guy, with a romantic side.

  3. That is too sweet for sure! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend with the family.

  4. Sounds like there could be wedding bells in the future. This is a wonderful act of love.

  5. Oh my goodness! It is amazing that a boy would think of and actually make something so romantic!!! This should be kept in the family as a keepsake!!That is, assuming they will marry! He is so very special, she is very blessed to have him!!! I would probably have fainted if I had gotten something like this from a boyfriend!! Is this sunflower yours? It is razzle-dazzle for sure!!!

  6. That is so sweet and romantic. I bet he is such a sweetheart. I hope you have a great week.

  7. Oh,my goodness! What a catch he will be for this young lady or some other. Thanks for sharing this gift of love with us.

  8. Oh how beautiful! What a sweet and talented young man!


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